Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9TV dated March 17, 2013

Surat al-Masad verses 1-5

Ruin to the hands of Abu Lahab and ruin to him!

His wealth has not helped him nor anything he has earned.

He will burn in a Flaming  Fire.

And so will his wife, the firewood-carrier,

with a rope of twisted fiber round her neck.

Because they marry men who are like lumps of wood, then they carry them on their backs in the hereafter. They will burn with the fire from them. The Qur’an is showing how wrong it is to marry such filthy types. “You will be firewood for one another” is what the verse means. Attach no importance to goods or earnings, Almighty Allah is saying. They are of no benefit, says Allah. “Ruin to the hands,” says Almighty Allah; everything they have dries up. They trust their hands, but their hands dry up. They trust their feet, but their feet dry up. “...with a rope of twisted fiber round her neck.”

 This shows the afflictions they will suffer in the hereafter.