Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9TV dated March 17, 2013

Surat al-Kawthar 1-3

Truly We have given you the Great Abundance.

So pray to your Lord and sacrifice.

It is the one who hates you who is cut off without an heir.

Truly We have given you the Great Abundance.

Abjad calulation gives a date of 1453. The date of the capture of Constantinople and also of global sovereignty. Hijri gives the date of global sovereignty, and the Gregorian calendar gives the capture of Constantinople. “...So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. So Almighty Allah has made prayer and sacrifice holy. Some people are against sacrificing animals. It is the one who hates you who is cut off without an heir.”

With the Mahdi (pbuh), we will see the victory of the line of our Prophet (saas) over the haters, insha’Allah .