Surat al-Isra’, 1-10

Surat al-Isra’, 1-10



Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV dated 31 March 2012

ADNAN OKTAR: In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful

Verse 1  “Glory be to Him who took His servant on a journey by night from the Masjid al-Haram to the Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed,”

A blessed place means one that belongs to Muslims. Allah will not give somewhere He has blessed to unbelievers. “in order to show him some of Our Signs. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”

Crossing time and space, our Prophet went there in a single night. This is proof there is no space in the Presence of Allah. Our mother says, “His bed had not even grown cold.” The Prophet (pbuh) was not in his bed. He came and went before his bed grew cold, she says.

Verse 2

“We gave Moses the Book and made it guidance for the tribe of Israel: ‘Do not take anyone besides Me as a guardian’.”

Verse 3

“Descendants of those We carried with Noah. He was a grateful slave.”

 Look, you are the children of Noah, He says. And the children of Ada. Separate since the time of Noah.

Verse 4

“We decreed in the Book for the tribe of Israel: ‘You will twice cause corruption on the earth and you will rise to a great height.”

You will have pride and you will be elevated, Allah says.

 Verse 5

 “When the promised first time came, We sent against you servants of Ours possessing great force, and they ransacked your houses, rampaging right through them.” Allah says that He gives rise to wars. “It was a promise which was fulfilled.”

It is something that was destined, says Allah.

Verse 6

“Then once again We gave you the upper hand over them and supplied you with more wealth and children and made you the most numerous group.

Allah says He has strengthened the Jews.

Verse 7

“If you do good, you do it to yourselves.” Allah, does not say you will be destroyed unless you do good. But if they are cursed, then no good can be done them. “If you do evil, you do it to your detriment. When the next promised time arrived, it was so that they could injure you and enter the Temple as they had entered it the first time, and in order to completely destroy what they had conquered.”

Almighty Allah says there will be another attack.

Verse 8

 “It may well be that your Lord will have mercy on you. But if you revert to what you did, We also will revert.” The bigot says He will have no mercy. But Allah says He will have mercy. “We have made Hell a prison for the unbelievers.” These people are Jews, followers of Moses. Allah says He will have mercy, so long as they do not spread corruption.

Verse 9

“This Qur’an guides to the most upright Way and gives good news to the believers who do right actions that they will have a large reward.” Allah says He will bestow much merit.

Verse 10

“But as for those who do not believe in the hereafter, We have prepared for them a painful punishment.”

Now, not to believe in the hereafter is a violation of good conscience. In other words, it is the result of rebellion against one’s conscience. Our natures are in any case created such as to believe in Allah. One can easily have faith if one does not strive against one’s own conscience. But one can enter unbelief through malice and devilry, through immorality and cruelty and through lack of conscience. The conscience tells us to “Believe.” But such people say, “No, I will not believe.” Some people imagine they are sincerely irreligious. Not so. They are so despite their consciences. That means that everyone’s conscience accepts faith. So there are no people who genuinely have no faith. There are no unbelievers in the pure sense. Allah says that they have no faith because of their immorality and cruelty, because they strive against their own consciences. But there is no need to strive and fight against oneself in order to have faith. Left to ourselves, do we have to make a conscious effort in order to breathe? We have deep faith in the same way. People have to work very hard not to have faith. They come by lack of faith only with great difficulty, striving against their own consciences. And then they deserve punishment. For example, Darwinists say; “One day, there was a collection of atoms in some muddy water. And a carbon atom spoke to an oxygen atom. It suggested they come together to produce a protein molecule.” That is scientifically impossible. You have to have protein already there in order for protein to form. But they insist that it formed spontaneously, in some way
