Time, 13 September 2011

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan — a hero on the Arab streets Erdogan, in Egypt on the first leg of his Arab Spring tour that includes visits in Tunisia and Libya, was received like a rock star by thousands of adoring supporters at Cairo's airport when he flew in late on Monday. |
The Guardian, 13 September 2011

The Guardian : Analysts believe Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Egypt visit is designed to strengthen Turkey's influence in the region. |
Israel Hayom, 14 September 2011

Israel Hayom: In Cairo, Erdogan welcomed as the ‘new Saladin Ayyubi’ |
Die Welt, 14.09.2011

Under the title “The New Khalifa" Die Welt newspaper commented that the Arab countries of the time of the Ottomans were conquered with fire and the sword, but Prime Minister Erdogan use cameras in the conquest of these countries on the East Coast. |