What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar recently sent a letter to Mr. Davutoğlu, the US government and the U.N. in order to bring into question the difficulties that Arakan Muslims could be faced with by the obligation to register as Bengali citizens in Myanmar.

As a result, Mr. Davutoğlu thanked Obama at the G20 summit for his call to the Myanmar government  to end the oppression against the Rhongiya Muslims .

October 16th, 2014: A9 TV

KARTAL GÖKTAN: Some activists who operate on behalf of Arakan asked us to point this out. The Myanmar government required Arakan Muslims to register as Bengali citizens in order to live in the country. According to this, Arakan people have to register as Bengali citizens even though they were born in Myanmar. Only after this they can transfer into Myanmar citizenship. But activists claim that it is impossible to get Myanmar citizenship, because the Arakan people who live in camps do not have any documentation about their background. This being the case, these people will have foreigner status and they will be expelled from the country shortly. Those who are not registered in this way have to live in dire conditions in refugee camps and then they face the threat of being expelled from the country. They cannot go anywhere else as refugees because the U.N. does not accept these people as “refugees.” Activists say that this implementation is a new plot by the Myanmar government to expel Arakan people out of the country. They especially ask for the Turkish government to closely take care of this issue. Because you always support them, they are also asking for your support about this.

ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s start a tag called “ArakanlılaraOyunaSon”. Our brothers should support our tag as much as they can. Let’s do the tag in English as well. Let’s send a petition to the government tomorrow. They must know about this, but it would be better to send a petition to Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu just in case. Also follow up the petition. It would also be good if our brothers support the tag on social media.

AYLİN KOCAMAN: Mr. Adnan, they also said this: “Turkish officials generally support us a lot here but they think that this is a good development. They think that this is a good step taken by the government. But it is not so. This is actually a plot just the same as the Myanmar government has done over the last 60 years.” They also ask you to emphasize this.

ADNAN OKTAR: Then we should clarify that this is a plot in the petition. Let’s send a petition to the U.N. as well. Let’s send it to many places in writing and with original signature. Let’s explain in writing what kind of a game they are playing.

AYLİN KOCAMAN: They want to transfer them to Bengali citizenship. They  posed this as a good thing to the U.N. and the U.N. accepted it. But then there is a law. Only then they can become Myanmar citizens. But they don’t have any documentation. None of them do. They cannot be documented because they are already Myanmar citizens.

ADNAN OKTAR: Is this incident that plain?


ADNAN OKTAR: So how come the government cannot understand something like this?

AYLİN KOCAMAN: The government knows about this. They are using this to expel them but the U.N accepts it, even though they know about it.

ADNAN OKTAR: No. Did you say, “Those who help us think that it is something good when they are helping us.”?

AYLİN KOCAMAN: The people here said, “The Turkish authorities think that this is a good thing because they think that for the first time in history Arakan people there will have right. But this is not the case. Then they will expel them from the country as part of the game.”

ADNAN OKTAR: But how could the government not know about this? This is so plain and very clear.

AYLİN KOCAMAN: They said, “They may not know about some implementations of the Myanmar government.”

ADNAN OKTAR: Okay then let’s write this in the petition.

ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s start a tag also in English #Arakanlılaraoyunason (#EndTheGamesOnArakan), yes. Let’s begin this evening. Because they always say, “Evening is no good” but Europe is awake when it is evening here. America is awake. So we should do everything in our power.


November 15th, 2014, Sabah

November 15th, 2014, Sabah

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who attended the G-20 Summit, met with US President Barack Obama.

In the meeting, it was reported that Prime Minister Davutoğlu advised President Obama to respect the rights of the Muslim community in Myanmar and thanked him for his speech.