What He Said?What Happened?

Kuşadası TV, July 14, 2008

Adnan Oktar:
As a starting point we should cancel the obligation of passport and visa among Turkish and Muslim countries. People should be able to come and go as they please. Trade and commerce should be free as it can be. This is so in the E.U, so why should not be so in the Turkish Islamic Union? In the E.U people can go and reside in any country they want, without the need for a passport and visa. So why can’t we do that as brothers and sisters? There is no reason not to. It can happen. THE COUNTRIES OF THE TURKISH ISLAMIC UNION ARE THE COUNTRIES WITH THE BEST SCENERY, THE BEST GEOGRAPHY AND ALSO THE RICHEST MINERAL RESOURCES. THE RICHEST PETROLEUM RESERVES ARE ALSO IN THESE COUNTRIES. SO WE HAVE FLOUR, OIL AND SUGAR. WE ONLY NEED TO MAKE THE CAKE. This is the common will of the Turkish people.



Türkiye, 12 January 2011


Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey, said: “The Islamic World is self-sufficient…Turkey has power and it can convey this power to the Islamic World.”