Felipe González, Former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain
I sincerely thank for the books by Harun Yahya that were sent to me. They allowed me to deepen my knowledge of different religions and cultures.
. ( The Prime Minister )
Harun Yahya Representatives’ Meetings with the former Russian Prime Minister and Russian Bureaucrats
Prime Minister David Cameron says, 'Eid Mubarak'
Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada to mark Ramadan
Meeting Between Prime Minister Erdogan and Barzani
French Prime Minister Fillon Attends Mosque Opening
The Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in Spain
Prime Minister Erdogan: Istanbul Is the Heart of the Islamic World
Alain Juppé ( Mayor Of Bordeaux And Former French Prime Minister )
Prime Minister Erdogan: ''A secular state is equidistant from all religious groups.''
Egypt greeted Prime Minister Erdogan with exuberance
Prime Minister Erdogan: Let’s fill Sultanahmet first before Hagia Sophia
Prime Minister Erdoğan: Some Don’t Wish To See Turkey Embracing Its Brothers
Prime Minister Erdoğan: Turkey Will Embrace An Endless Spring
Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey: Islamic countries' might is self-sufficient
Prime Minister Erdogan: ''Violence towards women is meanness''
Mr. Devlet Bahçeli: Our Prime Minister should see the danger clearly
Prime minister Erdoğan: No discrimination against Christians or Jews or Atheists
Prime Minister Davutoğlu advised Obama that Muslims’ Rights Should Be Respected in Myanmar
Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan:''Turkey is our polar star''
Prime Minister Erdoğan: We Must Guarantee the Safety of Believers
France needs its former colonies
In Lebanon Prime Minister Erdogan proposed a Middle Eastern 'Schengen Area'
Prime Minister Erdoğan: Those Days when People with No Money Returned from Hospital Doors are Over
Mr. Adnan Oktar: " It is perfectly natural for our prime minister|| Excerpt from Conversations