23 January 2007
I have received your magnificent Atlas of Creation you sent me.
I thank you for this communication and offer my deepest respects.
Alain Juppé
. ( The Prime Minister )
Prime Minister: No division in this period
Felipe González ( Former Prime Minister Of The Kingdom Of Spain )
Prime Minister Erdogan: Istanbul Is the Heart of the Islamic World
French Prime Minister Fillon Attends Mosque Opening
Talk of Islamic Union from the prime minister
Meeting Between Prime Minister Erdogan and Barzani
Prime Minister Erdogan: Turkey is one with Turks, Kurds, Laz and Circassian
Turkish Prime Minister Mr. Erdogan; ''Removing anxiety is our obligation''
In Lebanon Prime Minister Erdogan proposed a Middle Eastern 'Schengen Area'
Yalçın Akdoğan: Prime Minister Wants to Renew the Staff and Give A Youthful Appearance
Mr. Devlet Bahçeli: Our Prime Minister should see the danger clearly
A Turkish prime minister in Iraq after 18 years
Prime minister Erdoğan: No discrimination against Christians or Jews or Atheists
Prime Minister Davutoğlu advised Obama that Muslims’ Rights Should Be Respected in Myanmar
Could the meeting between Prime Minister Erdogan and Barzani be the solution to the problems in Iraq? || Opinion Maker
Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey: Islamic countries' might is self-sufficient
Former US Congressman defences Islam
French professor accepts Islam
Turkish prime minister: Unity is the remedy for all troubles
France needs its former colonies
We ask our Prime Minister what he meant by drinking hemlock poison
Senator For Haut-rhin ( French Senate )
Egypt greeted Prime Minister Erdogan with exuberance
French Footballers Are One By One Converting To Islam