What He Said?What Happened?

June 2nd, 2012: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Every step about democracy is an urgent need but in Turkey trying judges is a big problem. A citizen must be able to criticize a judge as he or she wishes. Almost nothing can be said to them. Every attempt [to criticize] is a crime and has a punishment, because judges look into the trial of other judges. This system must be adjusted. Let’s make a petition for this to send to the Ministry of Justice, the Prime Ministry as well as the European Court of Human Rights.

June 13th, 2012: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: It is very strange that judges cannot be tried; he is a person after all. He can make a mistake or commit a crime as well. Trying judges must be very easy so something must be done about this. You cannot open a lawsuit for damages or any lawsuit at all. You cannot warn him about a mistake he made. It is a crime if you say it. You are put on trial on the basis of slander and then you are assessed a penalty for that. You say, “He is not reading the case file” but it is a crime to say this. You then need to pay a penalty of millions of liras. Both jail time and a financial penalty: The Prime Minister must focus on these issues in the Justice package.

April 28th, 2013: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: When the judicial system is down, Turkey goes down. When the justice system collapses, Turkey collapses. Allah forbid; the justice system must be able to run smoothly. But of course, the judicial system must be very careful about injustice.

The judicial system must be strong but it must be easy to criticize them. Systems that control the judicial system are required. I've said this before: for example, there could be judges that supervise the judicial system. There could be supervising judges. Everything a judge does can be monitored in this way. In this way there would no room for arbitrary verdicts; but when there are serious mistakes made by a judge, one must be able to open a lawsuit. This must be made easy.

The judges could be the judges. For example, there could be a board of judges, let’s say 10 people.  But this cannot be used for personal vendettas; the board of judges must determine what to do. This is very easy but it seems that there is a structure that avoids the obvious right now. For example, there is a very open wrong being done, but no one can file a lawsuit. This must stop.


November 27th, 2013: Haber Turk

Prime Minister Erdogan has mentioned the faults in judiciary during  an opening ceremony in Manisa :
“There used to be a mechanism in which the The High Council of Judges and Prosecutors were controlled , we were wrong in delegating the authority held by the Ministry of Justice. However nobody should be left uncontrolled. The Prime Minister can be controlled however the people in judiciary cannot; this is not right.