Two years ago, Mr. Adnan Oktar brought up the issue that Molotov cocktails should be considered as bombs, and recently, our Government made a new regulation and announced that Molotov cocktails would be considered bombs. Also for several years, Mr. Oktar is saying that throwing stones -as big as rocks- to the police during he protests is an attempted murder so they should be considered as weapons. Thus, our Government and the Judicial Unit made a new step forward for the stones thrown at police during protests would be considered as weapons. A9 TV: Novermber 24th, 2014 KARTAL GÖKTAN: The Internal Security Reform Package is presented to the Speakership of the Parliament. According to that, to use of homemade explosives like Molotov cocktails or iron marbles, or to wear a mask will get prison sentence. ADNAN OKTAR: I said it two years ago. They brought it up just now. It has been two years. I am the first person to say that Molotov cocktails should be considered as bombs. It should be considered as a bomb and there should make a new law on this issue. Also I said that our police cannot protect themselves. I said that there should be a regulation for that too, and two years later they made it.
A9 TV: November 16th, 2014 KARTAL GÖKTAN: Efkan Ala announced that offences like throwing Molotov cocktails will be considered as weapons and by the new regulation, the police is authorized are counteract with firearms. ADNAN OKTAR: It has been two years since I said that. I said, ‘Molotov cocktails are bombs, you should make a law for that’. After two years they did what I said. Of course it is a bomb, it is a fire bomb. It is a bottle wighing 2 kg, and inside there is a 1 kg of fuel, and they are throwing it at the head of the police. They are throwing a three kilogram object at the head of the police. And the police burn, they got fuel all over them. They are trying to put it out. Some of them survive, but some of them are dead.
A9 TV: May 25th, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: This is something that happens all around the world, this is happening. But this is a very impertinent trend, they are approaching this subject maturely. The police have their guard plates, their helmets, they threw water to the protestors and etc. But what does Molotov cocktail bombing the police mean? This is exactly a homicide attempt. You are throwing a Molotov cocktail at the police and you are attempting to kill the police. The punishment is life imprisonment. They are confronting this very calm, as it is very normal and ordinary. They are throwing a stone of 5 kg to the police and they say; ‘They threw stones at the police’. It is like they are throwing chickpeas. It is exactly a homicide attempt. It is exactly an attempt to murder. The stones hit the head of the police, their eyes can come out , their skull broken and some of them go into a coma. How can this happen? When the police come, the protests should end immediately. For example the American police are like that. They are very strong. They can protect themselves, they don’t let themselves get overpowered. So, there should be a law to protect our police. The police shouldn’t be aggrieved. I am not saying that the police would be very tactless. But there should be another way, another method, insha'Allah. So in brief, we shouldn’t let the police be aggrieved. We should educate them, and also the police should show that they can protect themselves very well.
A9 TV: December 19th, 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: Our police are our lions who have come from Anatolia, they are very brave. Throwing stones at the police: You shot him, or you throw stones at him, they are the same. Have they lost their minds? For example, they say, ‘They threw a Molotov cocktail’, ‘It is a very tiny thing’. A Molotov cocktail is a classic bomb and it is a deadly weapon. It isn’t an innocent action. They threw a stone of one kg, and say, ‘The kid threw a stone’. What would a stone of one kg do if it hits the head of a person? One kg or one and a half, he is throwing a big stone. It has the same affect of a bullet. You shoot him or you throw a stone, they are all the same, may Allah forbid. This is tactlessness, and they have nothing to do with democracy.
ADIYAMAN ASU, KRAL KARADENİZ and EKİN TV Interviewa, December 21st, 2009 ADNAN OKTAR: The person who lives in a stressful society may catch any kinds of diseases. For example, they go outside, immediately stones are thrown , they throw stones at the police.For example they are throwing a Molotov cocktail where they never expect it. What does a Molotov cocktail mean, is iit sabotage, isn’t it a willful murder? It is exactly an attempt to kill. |