One of the series of defeats suffered by Darwinism in Europe was the Council of Europe’s refusal to discuss a report that depicted Creation as a supposed intellectual menace. Shortly before this, and following the arrival in several European countries of Harun Yahya’s Atlas of Creation, a huge Darwinist panic had begun in Europe as a whole. The Atlas of Creation, which revealed that Darwinism lacks any scientific foundation with evidences, had a major impact in several countries, including Holland, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and Denmark. Countless newspaper reports and columns, television programmes and web sites revealed the effect the Atlas of Creation was having.

The Atlas of Creation has initiated a real enlightenment in Europe. The people of Europe, indoctrinated by Darwinist and materialist propaganda for the last century and a half, have begun to see that the theory of evolution is of no scientific worth and is kept in the spotlight out of ideological concerns. Polls in different countries have shown that there has been a serious decline in the number of believers in Darwinism. For example, in one survey by the French Sciences Actualites, the level of people believing that human beings did not appear by way of evolution was 92%, and the number of believers in evolution was just 5%. A poll by the famous German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung put the level of people believing that human beings are the work of a Creator at 85%, and that of those who think that the theory of evolution is valid at a mere 9%. One of those surveys revealing the change of heart in Europe was carried out by Blick, published in Switzerland. In this poll, the level of those believing in Creation was 85%, and that of believers in evolution 8%.

This intellectual awakening led to grave unease among materialist circles in Europe. These circles, who realised that the supposed scientific basis of their ideology was collapsing, attempted to take what they saw as precautionary measures. One of these was the report “The Dangers of Creationism in Education,” prepared by the European Parliament Committee on Culture, Science and Education.

In this report, consisting of 105 articles, the 47 member countries are asked to act against the idea of Creation and it is claimed that Europe is facing a grave danger. The words “We are witnessing a growth of modes of thought which, the better to impose religious dogma [surely religion is beyond that], are attacking the very core of the knowledge that we have patiently built up on nature, evolution, our origins and our place in the universe” in the report, were an expression of the true reason for this alarm: the attempts to keep Darwinism alive are made because of the supposed scientific support it provides for materialism. The collapse of Darwinism would mean the loss of one of the greatest foundations of materialism and atheism. Indeed, the report openly admits that Creationism rocks the world view so patiently established over many years.

Article 12 of the report refers to Adnan Oktar’s scientific works against Darwinism and to the impact of the Atlas of Creation in Europe, and states how no work in Europe has to date been so influential. For example, article 57 of the report says:

The Harun Yahya offensive: In early 2007, the Turkish creationist Harun Yahya sent his work entitled “The Atlas of Creation” to a very large number of French schools and resource centres…He (Hervé LeGuyader) considers the book to be “MUCH MORE DANGEROUS than the previous creationist initiatives, which were often of Anglo-Saxon origin”… He believes that …the method employed by the author (Harun Yahya) could “PROVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE IN THE CASE OF AN UNINFORMED PUBLIC.”

The aim of the report, which ends with the words, “If we are not careful, the values that are the very essence of the Council of Europe will be in danger of being directly threatened by the creationist fundamentalists. It is part of the role of the Council’s parliamentarians to react before it is too late,” is to ensure the banning of the teaching and discussion of the fact of Creation. This demand, which is totally incompatible with democracy, fundamental human rights and the freedom of ideas, was regarded as unworthy of consideration by the Council of Europe. The Council failed to adopt an attitude favouring materialist hegemony over science. In agreement with the basic principles of its foundation and existence, it demonstrated its respect for human rights and freedom of ideas. It showed that nothing can be achieved by the prohibiting of ideas, that ideas need to be opposed with other ideas, and that ideas of all kinds are worthy of debate.

The Council’s Rejection of the Report Was Widely Covered in the Press

This entirely correct decision by the Council of Europe in favour of the freedom of thought was widely covered in the European and world press. According to the reports in the press, the French socialist Guy Lengagne, the report’s rapporteur, said that he was “amazed, frightened and shocked” in the face of this decision. The fact is however, that if Mr. Lengagne believes that Darwinism is supported by scientific evidence then there is no need for him to be alarmed by the discussion, studying and teaching of Creation. He can put forward his own evidence and ideas in the face of the concrete evidence that emerge during the discussion of the fact of Creation, and the public can then come to their own decision in the light of that evidence. However, if the reason for this fear is that the public will come to see Darwinism’s lack of scientific proof and that, at the end of the day, the theory of evolution has been refuted, then he is right to be concerned. What European Darwinists and materialists feared has actually come about, and facts have duly emerged. Darwinism is one of the worst deceptions in the history of science, and science refutes the theory of evolution, and this knowledge is now spreading out in huge waves.

Some of the reports concerning the Council’s decision on the report in various press organs and web sites are as follows:

The well-known French daily L’Est Republican: “The Council of Europe Opposes Darwinism”

Following the Council’s announcement that it would not debate the report prepared by the Committee on Culture, Science and Education on 26 June, 2007, L’Est Republican carried a report titled “The Council of Europe Opposes Darwinism.” The report stated that “Creationists have gained new ground. The report saying that Creation is a threat to education has been rejected by the Council.”

Daily 20 Minutes, Switzerland

20 Minutes, one of Switzerland’s best-known dailies, considered the Committee’s report in detail, and noted how Creation has recently grown much stronger in Europe. It reported how Guy Lengagne had described the Council’s decision as “a manoeuvre by those opposed to the theory of evolution and wishing to disseminate the idea of Creationism.” In addition, the report described how the report devoted special attention to the impact of Adnan Oktar’s Atlas of Creation. The distribution of the book in France, Belgium, Spain and several other countries was described as influencing this rise.

Daily Belingske, Denmark

This account, which set out why the Council had rejected the report, described how, under the control of Harun Yahya, Creationism had moved over to the attack in Europe. Various examples were provided of the way in which Creationism had gained strength in Europe. These included the Polish Deputy Minister of Education saying that “The theory of evolution is a lie,” doubts over Darwinism from the Education Ministries in Holland and Italy, and a Russian student’s resorting to the courts against the teaching of evolution in schools.

Le Monde, France

Le Monde’s report described the offensive initiated by the Atlas of Creation, which took place in France in February, as the most important Creationist movement in Europe. The report also noted the impact of the Atlas, which says that “Creation is a fact, and evolution is a deception,” and had been despatched to schools.

Nurnberger Zeitung, Germany

The paper described how Creation had taken on a new life in Europe with the distribution of the Atlas of Creation by the Turkish writer Harun Yahya, and that there were politicians and members of government in Poland, Italy and Holland who supported Creation., Germany

In a report titled “The Council of Europe is Open to Creationism,” this site reported that the great majority of members had voted against the report. In describing Creationism in European countries it considered the impact of the arrival in France in February of the Atlas of Creation in schools and universities.

The French News Portal

A report describing Adnan Oktar’s intellectual work and its impact in Europe drew particular attention to the belief in Creation, which has enjoyed an increasing rise in Europe in recent times. It said how with the arrival of the Atlas of Creation, a giant volume, in such countries as France, Belgium, Sweden and Spain, a powerful Creationist campaign had been initiated in Europe.

A French blog site saying “Does the Council of Europe want to bury Darwin?”

This site, which stated how the Council’s decision worked against Darwinism, devoted a special section to the Atlas of Creation. This section frequently expressed, in a manner indicative of being secretly highly impressed, the style and explicatory techniques employed in the book. It described how the French Education Minister had referred to the Atlas of Creation as “a dangerous book.” This once again shows the extent of the blow dealt to Darwinism by the information set out in the book.