Assad's license to kill with conventional weapons
Much like chemical weapons, conventional arms kill innocent civilians
Chemical and Conventional Weapons Both Result in Death
Ukraine: Bridging two poles || Saudi Gazette
Icna ConventIon
The Milli Gazette
Isna ConventIon
Is Bashar Assad the sole Bashar Assad? || Kuwait Times
Seeking the American Dream || Arabian Gazette
NATO weapons on the Russian border
Does Boko Haram advocate Islam? || Milli Gazette
Redrawing Maps: Is Saudi Arabia next in line?
Airstrikes That Also Kill Civilians Are a Kind of Murder
Europe: Right fight, wrong weapon
‘Putin will convince Assad to leave’
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) weapons are faith and love
Will the fighting end if Assad goes?
The Middle East Needs Love and Unity More Than Ever || Arabian Gazette
Harun Yahya Conference At The Atlas Convention Center In Amsterdam
In the world we dream of, children are not killed
Ahmadinejad: ''Period of nuclear weapon is over''
President Erdoğan: “We Won’t Import Weapons Except for Emergencies”