Stonehenge in England is an approximately 5,000-year-old monument consisting of around 30 huge stone blocks an average of 4.5 meters high and weighing an average of 25 tones arranged in a circle. The monument fascinates researchers. A great many theories have been proposed regarding these stone blocks, but the real question that needs to be answered is how these stones weighing many tones were carried an estimated 380 km from Stonehenge and then arranged together. The way that such a structure was built at a time when evolutionists claim human beings were living under exceedingly primitive conditions represents a major quandary for Darwinism.  Stonehenge invalidates the claims of the theory of evolution put forward to describe human history.

Since evolutionist scientists base their theories on preconceptions alone, they try to prove that the people living at the time of the construction of Stonehenge built it by using such crude materials and stone and wood. They have tried to replicate the same conditions and transport similar stones over similar distances, but have never succeeded. This shows that this structure was not erected using primitive techniques but, on the contrary, using a highly advanced technology.

“Stonehenge may have been built as the foundation stones for a timber building. A building erected on such foundations would be immune to wind and storms. It is likely that only the building’s foundations have remained. Another significant feature of Stonehenge, the date and manner of whose construction is still a matter for debate, is its relationship with astronomy. Findings show that in addition to possessing a knowledge of engineering, its builders also had an advanced knowledge of astronomy.” (Harun Yahya [Adnan Oktar], The Stone Age: A Historic Lie, December, 2005)

A report that appeared on the BBC web site on 30 January, 2007, confirms that analysis. The report announced that excavations near the standing stones of Stonehenge had revealed the remains of a village believed to have belonged to the people who built it. The excavations unearthed the remains of 8 houses estimated to date back to around 2600 B.C. They contained 4600-year-old stone bed frames, stone shelves and stone cupboards. There are estimated to be at least another 100 similar houses.


BBC News, 30 January 2007

These remains show that Stonehenge may be the stone foundations of a wooden structure and that the people living at the time developed advanced construction techniques using an excellent stone, wood and metal technology. Human beings have always lived human, civilized lives, making the best use of the means available to them. A history populated by primitive entities slowly changing from apes into human beings exists solely in Darwinists’ imaginations, and Darwinists have never been able to back these fantasies up with any scientific evidence. Allah reveals in the Qur’an that He has created the human body and soul in the most perfect manner: 

“We created man in the finest mould.” (Surat at-Tin, 4)

 “And it is He Who created human beings from water and then gave them relations by blood and marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful.” (Surat al-Furqan, 54)