What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar explains the importance of the village guards fighting against the PKK for months and highlights the necessity to increase the number of guards, to equip them with advanced weapons and to increase their wages.

Indeed, following the persistent requests from Mr. Oktar, Prime Minister Davutoglu has given approval for 10,000  new village guards and announced that about 5,000  rangers will be appointed in 22 provinces.

August 15th 2015: A9 TV

(The Provincial Police Department in Diyarbakır are at work in its operations against PKK. A total of 348 persons including 59 minors were taken into custody.)

ADNAN OKTAR: They should keep going and increase the number of guards. The special operations schools closed should be opened again, all of them. The number of the special operations forces should be increased at least 20 or30 times. That of village guards should be increased at least a thousand times. At least a thousand times.

August 10th 2015: A9 TV

(A group of PKK terrorists trying to infiltrate the village of Elmali in the center of the province of Bingol clashed with village guards. Two PKK members were killed. One was injured, and another two were captured.)

ADNAN OKTAR: See, the guards were very meticulous. We do not say that the men should be killed, hanged but the guards are very meticulous about their nation, country and flag. We should recruit more. Take it with my blessing, we should increase their wages too. Make their weapons more efficient. Make their bullets more qualified. Provide them with many ammunition. They are  precious to us.

May 6th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: They are the real fighters, the real warriors. They are fighting heroically in the mountains. They are the beauty and ornaments of the villages.  The ones that the government should support primarily. We specifically ask the government to take measures to keep safe the guards, recruit more and enhance their facilities. How nice, when we visit the villages in the Southeast, the guards are at the gate of the village. They are brave, devout, genial, and clean-cut people. How nice. And the PKK could not fight against them.

March 20th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Our government should protect our guards. The number of guards should be get doubled. They should be equipped with automatic, more advanced, long-range weapons to dissuade PKK from their attacks.

January 25th 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Certainly, the presence of these guards, our brothers, is vital. Nobody comes close to the guards, such thing does not happen. The number of these guards should be increased. Though slowly, that number should be increased.  They should be recruited in the positions of police staff. Let them live comfortably, which makes the Southeast region  become wealthier. It would be also beneficial to provide them a  flow of money. 

January 22nd 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The village guard system should be improved and enhanced. There are a few Kyrgyz Turks over there. If we pay them a salary, recruit them as village guards, increase the number of them, they can earn a livelihood, also animals and lands may be provided, and there would be a very strong protection against the PKK. The government should take compelling measures in this issue.

November 5th 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: My kind request to Mr. Erdogan is to protect these guards in an efficient way. To recruit them in the positions of police staff. To increase the number of guards, to enhance their facilities, and to improve their defense abilities. This guard system is perfect. 

February 19th 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: They are fighters, real fighters. May God give them a long life. May God save them. May God give their hearts confidence, courage, a sense of tranquillity. Give them peace all their lives. The Government also should protect the village guards. In other words, the guard system should not be removed. To the contrary, it should be improved.  The guards should be regarded as police officers, should be treated by the same law or by the law of sergeants in the military. Let them, our valiant soldiers, to be protected. They are making the supreme sacrifice for God. They shielded themselves bravely.  All of them are devout, pious, and immaculate. May God enhance their knowledge and wisdom. May God save them against perfidious bullets, hopefully!


September 19th 2015: Yeni Şafak

Five Thousand Guards To Be Recruited in the East and Southeast

Turkey's Minister of Interior Affairs announced that 5,000  village guards will be recruited in 22 provinces in order to enhance the village guard system in the East and Southeast of Turkey by order of Prime Minister Davutoglu. The village guards to be recruited to fill the places of those who are retired.

August 26th 2015: İnternet Haber

Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with Anatolia Village Guards and Families of Martyrs Confederation. After the meeting, Mr. Davutoglu ordered to staff 10,000  new village guards. A wage increase in the amount of 500 TL, requested by the village guards, has been approved.