What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar often emphasizes that our village guards must be protected, especially in these recent times when PKK danger is even increasing.

Our soldiers visited the families of the village guards who were martyred during the conflicts with the terror organization and they have dined together.

January 25th, 2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The existence of our village guards is vital. No one could interfere with our village guards. It’ll never happen. They need to be increased in numbers. Let’s increase their numbers slowly. They must be appointed as police staff so they can live more comfortably; this would also enrich the Southeast region. It’ll be nice. It would also be good to have money flowing in there. Our brothers there, for example, they can buy shoes, jackets for their children and the lifestyle there can increase. It will also be good for the state. It will make the state richer and industry will be more lively. Markets will be boosted, if they are looking at it from a materialistic point of view. And if they are considering moral values, as I am, it will be a great deed.

They should adopt a tone of voice that clarifies things for village guards, strengthens their position and shows they are protected by the state. Abdullah Öcalan is saying, “Abolish the village guard system. Crush their heads, in short. Now we need to do the opposite of what Öcalan is saying. We need to embrace and protect these people. Otherwise it would be a terrible situation.

January 22nd,  2015: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s improve and strengthen the village guard system. There is only a handful of Kirghiz Turks there. If they are paid wages, appointed as village guards and increased in numbers, then this would both solve their problem of having a livelihood – they can be given animals or land as well- and they can get richer to form a strong structuring against the PKK. It is very important that they [the PKK] be turned back; the government must take strong precautions on this.

November 5th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: My request from Master Tayyip is that he protects and takes care of our village guards. He should staff them as the police and increase their numbers as well as means and defense ability. This village guard system is a perfect structure. For example, we go to a village in Mardin. Who is welcoming us with automatic weapons over there? The village guards are there with Turkish flags on their chests. This is so nice. We can eat and sing together. We can drink ayran together and have fun. And it will be safe. Therefore, we should protect our village guards, increase their numbers and means as well as their armament. May Allah protect, of course, may Allah protect them from any conflict and enemy bullets. We never want something like that, but they need to be equipped with perfect weapons for deterrence. Otherwise may Allah prevent them from having to use these weapons.

November 23rd, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The government must look after the village guards. The village guards must be staffed as the police, their numbers must be increased and they should be provided with more quality weapons. If required, they can be provided with close combat weapons like hand grenades. Also when they go to the city center, the village guards must be permitted to carry weapons.

November 19th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: This is one of the things they will focus on the most in the Southeast; protecting our village guards. The village guards must be staffed as the police. They must be permitted to carry arms. Their numbers must be increased. Our village guards are like lions. They are true Kurdish people: They are lions.

May 28th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Our village guard brothers are very nice. For example, I saw some pictures from the villages of Siirt and Mardin. The village is peaceful. So nice; they are taking food to their homes. They are taking vegetables and fruits. So nice; if they were staffed as the police, it would be great. Master Tayyip should not hesitate to do this. Their numbers must be increased. We already need an excuse to give money to our brothers: Here is an excuse for you. They will say, “Come and I will appoint you as a village guard and take this money.” Because there are no jobs in the Southeast region, there is no food there. It would be very convenient for our brothers. It will be a slap on the face of the PKK. The economy will also grow. It will be very nice.


February 24th, 2015: Haberler.com

Soldiers in the Semdinli district of Hakkari visited the families of temporary village guards who were martyred during the conflicts with the [PKK] terror organization, provided food  and dined together.