Thank you very much for this magnificent book.
It is a most attractive and high-quality work.
Best wishes,
Hubert Haenel
Senator for Haut-Rhin
Atlas Of Creation is Still On The French Agenda
Fossil Exhibition at a French School in the Hague
French prosecutor embraced Islam
French Jacqbeline Marise converted to Islam
French Footballers Are One By One Converting To Islam
Senator Michael B. Enzi ( Us Senate )
The famous footballer Thierry Henry performed prayer with the French students
French football player Ribery: Islam has strengthened me
French professor accepts Islam
Hillary Rodham Clinton ( United States Senator )
E. Benjamin Nelson ( United States Senator )
French People Do Not Believe In Evolution Any More
Creationist Propaganda Has Now Landed In The French Region Of Switzerland
The French have been bowled over - 09.05.2007 France/20 minutes
The Theory Of Evolution Has Begun To Be Questioned In French Universities
Famous French rapper converted to Islam
The French Have Been Bowled Over
Harun Yahya"s Children"s Books In French
French Students Stand Against The Theory Of Evolution
Alain Juppé ( Mayor Of Bordeaux And Former French Prime Minister )
RTL Radio of France: Since Charlie Hebdo, more French became Muslims
French Prime Minister Fillon Attends Mosque Opening
Famous French Rapper Converted to Islam
"the Atlas Of Creation Has Caused Great Excitement In French Schools"
According to the French media, Turkey is the only country most of its population denies Darwinism