In January 2007, an educational book created great excitement in French schools. A devout Turk by the name of Harun Yahya... The Atlas of Creation... A totally creationist work inspired by holy scripture that totally denies the evolution of living things.With the Atlas of Creation, young French people have seen the truth for the very first time and have immediately been convinced by the evidence before them. Young people who see the illogicality of the theory of evolution and who realize that Darwinism is a deception taught through imposition are bringing their criticisms and questions into the classroom. However, the theory of evolution and its supporters have no scientific evidence with which to respond to the quandary in which they find themselves. That is why teachers of evolution, with no answers to give, find “questioning,” one of the preconditions for the teaching of science, so very troubling. And that is why the French Ministry of Education is seeking an answer through such a bigoted means as “book banning.” But, as can be seen from the French example, prohibitions have merely accelerated resistance to the Darwinist dictatorship.
This work, a first in the teaching of science in France, provoked a great outcry among teachers, and the Ministry of Education reacted very swiftly. It told rectors to confiscate copies of the book.
With the aim of responding to this [The arrival in France of the Atlas of Creation] the Ministry of Education is organizing a seminar… National Education Inspector General Annie Mamecier sates: "This seminar has three aims:... (One) Is to provide new arguments for teachers exposed to troubling questions from their students...”
Hervé Le Guyader, a professor of biology from University of Paris VII, expresses his unease as follows: "No students taking Master’s degrees in biology today take classes in evolutionary biology. This is a most abnormal state of affairs.”
(Historian of science and author) Jacques Arnould: "The fact is that the number of cases of high school or university students rejecting the theory of evolution in France or Belgium is increasing day by day...”
Young people can see for themselves the dilemma in which Darwinism finds itself by asking their teachers these questions… |