Gala, France"spremiere people magazine announced that world famous French Rap Artist Diams converted to Islam in a quiet manner.
Famous French rapper converted to Islam
Danish Youth Converts to Islam
An American Mayor Has Converted to Islam
French professor accepts Islam
French Footballers Are One By One Converting To Islam
Famous music channel MTV"s German presenter Kristiane Backer Converted to Islam
Former atheist converted to Islam
French football player Ribery: Islam has strengthened me
3000 People Have Converted to Islam
French prosecutor embraced Islam
Irish woman converted to Islam while visiting the grave of a martyr
Guantanamo guard converted to Islam
125 Filipinos convert to Islam in Dubai
Famous Russian Dancer Embraced Islam
Six Chinese nurses converted to Islam
660 Chinese converted to Islam in Mecca
World famous Islamic scholar Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi Passed Away in Cyprus
Famous Israeli Rabbi refers to Turkey
Cameroonian football team converts to Islam
Growing Numbers Convert To Islam in Papua New Guinea
The French Have Been Bowled Over
African Kings and Sultans Converted to Islam
Well Educated Romanians convert to Islam
Every Year, 1500 to 2000 Catholics Convert to Islam
Indonesian Lady Converted to Islam in Turkey