Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies
Obama: “We Must Struggle Against the Distorted Ideologies of Terrorists”
Waging ideological battle against IS
Russia has other roles to play in Syria || Times of Oman
The importance of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism
Intellectual Struggle
The impact of Adnan Oktar's statements encouraging the ideological struggle against Darwinism
Support For Muslim Organizations Who Struggle Intellectually Against Extremism
Time Magazine: In France, a Muslim Offensive Against Evolution
Surat al-Qalam and Hazrat Mahdi's (as) Struggle Against Much of the Media
Struggling Against Infidelity
Struggle For Survival, The
Asharq Al Awsat: “Harun Yahya won his struggle against the theory of evolution”
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle against the system of the dajjal in the end times in the hadiths
Power Struggles and Collaboration in the Balkans
Radicals: The Biggest Anti-Christ Army Islam Faces
Darwinism is the ideological basis of Satanism
Darwinism is An ideology, Not A Science
Turkey Will lead the army of the Gulf of Aden
Harun Yahya Works Were Displayed in The Oman international Book Fair
The Struggle Against Evolution
The USA cooperates with the Egyptian Army