What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar has sent a letter that presents a solution to ISIS and bigotry to US President Barack Obama. After the letter was presented, Obama spoke at the UN General Assembly, making a statement in line with the solution Mr. Oktar provided, nothing that “ISIS will end only if their ideology collapses.”

Again at a meeting organized in the White House, Obama said, “The struggle against terrorists can only be achieved by eliminating distorted ideologies” and emphasized that calls for peace must be increased on the Internet.

A9 TV, February 6th: 2015

ADNAN OKTAR: Almighty Allah says in the verse, “Killing a man is like killing all people.” And its penalty is eternal Hell. And how does he know that 55 ISIS militants were killed? And even if they are ISIS militants, how does he know that they had committed crimes? And if they committed crimes, were they judged in the courts? And even if they were judged, do they need to be bombed? In every way, this is a crime and in every way this is oppressive and cruel. Now look at the outcome of these bombings; the casualties all belong to women, children and the elderly.

Distribute books to people. Tell them about the signs leading to faith and miracles of the Qur’an. Tell them about love, brotherhood and peace. You have radio, television channels and money. Tell them about the invalidity of Darwinism. The state has all the means necessary. For example, if the state explained the invalidity of Darwinism, then the ground would shake. If you cannot do this, then give us an opportunity so we can.

A9 TV: October 4th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: Only ideas can fight ideas. We said this to Obama and he was convinced. He said so. We told most of them and they were convinced as well.

September 14th, 2014: A9 TV

(Following a two-hour long cabinet meeting, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron said about ISIS militants, “Islam is a religion of peace. These people are not Muslims. They are monsters.”)

ADNAN OKTAR: Cameron cannot get results with such statements. They will only cause them gain time. They can’t do it with tanks and bombs. When there is a bombing, if America goes and bombs Iraq and other places, the close ones of the people who die there will also join ISIS. This is not the way. The letter is ready. We translated it into English. We will send it tomorrow, by Allah’s leave, as a solution.

September 12th, 2014, A9 TV

(US President Barack Obama ordered the Ministry of Defense to kill the leaders of ISIS.)

ADNAN OKTAR:  America should realize that killing is not a solution. It is a very dangerous thing. When they kill, then the others will begin killing Americans and America will begin bombing them in turn. Killing the leader is also a very bad method. They can bring out thousands of leaders, can they not? IDEAS! IDEAS! IDEAS! America has not yet been able to comprehend this. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Korea; they have all been in this mess and America was destroyed there as a result and they are getting into the same mess all over. Don’t you have any ideas? Come forward with an idea. Come forward with a thought. When there are no ideas, you will be defeated.

Today we gave John Kerry some of my books like “Islam Denounces Terrorism” and some others. And he was very pleased. His consultants sent his thanks. Now they can get results with those books. This problem can be solved through culture. They need to be in a state so that they can discuss  ISIS’s system of ideas. If you cannot do this, there are people who can. Bring them and we can get results.

A9 TV: September 25th, 2013

ADNAN OKTAR: Some people always look for hatred. Hatred for Christians and Jews, hatred for communists, hatred for Armenians; there is no end to their hatred. You can’t get anywhere with a policy of hatred. Live with love and see what you are losing? They don’t approach with love. Approach with compassion and mercy. Allah loves compassion and mercy. Love is the essential quality of Muslims.

October 3rd, 2012: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s leave behind this policy of hatred. Let’s condemn those who write hateful articles. Let’s condemn those who say hateful words. Let’s talk about love instead of hate and encourage love. If everyone condemns these people of hate everyday, then they would give up. Let’s do this as act of worship for the good pleasure of Allah. You can say, “Talk with love and be done with this hatred.” You can say, “You wrote a very hateful article. Write a loving one.” You can say, “Your speech  last evening was full of hate; make a loving one next time.” Always encourage people to love.

December 11th, 2012: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: An extensive anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist activity must be carried out in the whole world. Then that devilish mite sucking on the faith of young people will go away. Darwinism and materialism have stuck to them like a vampire; if they get out of that trouble, they will draw a breath and begin asking for the Islamic Union and a great love will begin to spout in their hearts for the system of the Mahdi.

August 20th, 2012: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: If you give someone a Darwinist-materialist education and tell people about  dialectic philosophy, they will follow that dialectic philosophy and a person who follows the dialectic philosophy becomes a Marxist / Leninist. And when they become Leninists, then they become anarchists and terrorists. The invalidity of Darwinism and materialism must be told.


February 19th, 2015: Haber Türk               

During a speech at the White House, President Obama made statements about how to struggle against terrorists.

“First of all, we must struggle against the distorted ideologies of terrorists and all of us must tell the truth about our faiths. Young people don’t resort to hatred for no reason. They are encouraged to hatred. We are all in the same boat. We must support those who seek peace and understanding so their voice is heard more.”

Obama noted that it is necessary to have more voice on peace and tolerance, especially on the internet.