You may read the article.,%20but%20ideologies
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies || Times of Oman
The importance of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism
The Struggle Against Evolution
The impact of Adnan Oktar's statements encouraging the ideological struggle against Darwinism
Struggle For Survival, The
The Character of Elderly Men
British Army will appoint Muslim clerics
A unique defense army: White blood cells
No matter it is day or night, it is out of question to give a break in terms of struggling against terrorism
The Qur'an addresses men and women in the same manner
Women in UK Converting to Islam More Than Men
A cruel ideology in the economy: Capitalism and fight for survival
The antichrist will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) from being recognized by supporting materialist ideologies against them
US Army Officer Accepts Islam in Afghanistan
Turkey Will lead the army of the Gulf of Aden
Iftar Dinner given by Army of the Netherlands
The rightful struggle of Turkey: The Afrin operation
It is not jihad in Iraq but struggle for resources
Surat al-Qalam and Hazrat Mahdi's (as) Struggle Against Much of the Media
It Is Darwinism That Feeds Communism, and That Ideology Must First be Scientifically Eliminated
IS ideology can be defeated only with the Quran
Global cooperation against extremism
No Jew Will Be Hurt, it is Against The Qur'an