You may read the article.,%20but%20ideologies
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies
Waging ideological battle against IS
The Muslim Who is Struggling Against Darwin
Obama: “We Must Struggle Against the Distorted Ideologies of Terrorists”
The Character of Elderly Men
Clerics in the Russian Army
Struggling Against Infidelity
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies || Times of Oman
PM Erdogan: We Will Not Give Mere Lip-Service to Struggle Against Graft
The way that unbelievers strive to struggle against Allah is a miracle created by him
The Struggle Against Evolution
Darwinism is An ideology, Not A Science
Darwinism is the ideological basis of Satanism
Turkey Will lead the army of the Gulf of Aden
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle against the system of the dajjal in the end times in the hadiths
In the Qur'an, features of morality are the same for men and women
News from the world press: “Adnan Oktar has won his struggle against the theory of evolution”
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will struggle against the hypocrites of the end times, certain scholars of religious law and the dajjal of the end times
It is not jihad in Iraq but struggle for resources
The rightful struggle of Turkey: The Afrin operation
The Qur'an addresses men and women in the same manner
The antichrist will prevent the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) from being recognized by supporting materialist ideologies against them
An Ideological Award For Evolution
Radicals: The Biggest Anti-Christ Army Islam Faces