Russia has other roles to play in Syria
Russia Supports Syria
Nobody could play the role which Turkey did
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies || Times of Oman
Russia: Syria's game changer
Russia’s vital role in resolving the humanitarian crisis in Syria
Phytoplankton secretes the matter called ''dimethyl sulfur'' that plays a role in the formation of clouds to the atmosphere
Time to move on for Russia and Turkey
Russia should not miss its chance to be Syria’s hero
What Can Russia Do For Syria?
Oman - January 16th, 2011 - Mr. Adnan Oktar replies to the questions of Times of Oman
The role of propaganda in the Holocaust
The Role of Turkey
Turkey must take the lead role to end conflict in Syria
Russia’s New Moves in Syria
Oman Tribune announced the display of Harun Yahya works in the Oman Book Fair
The time has come for Cuba to embrace the world
The United States, Russia, Turkey and Arabia Convened for Syria
Isolated Russia
The role of Turkey in Iraq is increasing
Turkey must take the lead role to end conflict in Syria || Times of Oman
A Sensitive Time Both Turkey And Russia To Act With Reason
The Other 50% in Turkey