religious culture and anti-communist education is a necessity
The PKK Is an Atheist and Communist Organization
The importance of the intellectual struggle against Darwinism
AL-KAFI - The Sufficient One
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies
Turkey’s improved ties with Russia
The Struggle Against Evolution
Struggling Against Infidelity
The PKK is a Marxist-Leninist and Stalinist communist organization
"World Public Opinion should be alerted against the insidious plots of the PKK.”
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies || Times of Oman
Support For Muslim Organizations Who Struggle Intellectually Against Extremism
The Areas Around The Hospitals Will Be Improved And Made Beautiful
The culture of self-indulgence
Muslim solidarity being improved
Emergency Measures Needed to Be Taken Against the Scourge of the PKK
Intellectual Mobilization Must Be Declared against the Terror of the PKK
“There is no betrayal of the leader in the communist system; the PKK will not abandon Abdullah Öcalan...”
Science is anti-Darwinist, anti-atheist
Consumer Culture, Waste and Profligacy
Harun Yahya’s publications against anti-Semitism in the Israeli Press
Bedouins and Their Debased Culture before Islam
Electricity generation technology in bacteria
An Anti-darwin Movement