Ms Margaret Stagg ( Personal Assistant To Prof. Crewe, The Vice-chancellor Of The University Of Essex )
Nancy F Millis ( Emeritus Professor, Chancellor, La Trobe University )
The islamic Personality Award Should Go To Harun Yahya
A loveless person is like a tree rotting from the inside
Money should be not taken from a sick person
Chancellor Merkel says Islam is part of Germany
Apathy, sloth and indifference are vices originating in Satan that believers must avoid
Our Prophet (saas) was a person of extraordinary beauty
The error of the collective personality concerning the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as)-2-
They Are Easily Offended - The Personality of the Housewife in the Ignorant Society 2
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the solution to everyone's problems and he will hasten to the assistance of all
Not pursuing what one has no personal knowledge of
Surat Al-Jumu'a, 5 (Only learning religion do not guide a person to the right path)
Ataturk was a genuinely devout person
Would you want to be friends with a person who displays a different and surprise personality every day or every hour of the day?
Mahdi will be the most auspicious person on the earth at his time
Display of Emotion - The Personality of the Housewife in the Ignorant Society 1
Great Union Party (Buyuk Birlik Partisi) being denied public assistance
Complaining About Everything - The Personality of the Housewife in the Ignorant Society 3
The claim that Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a collective personality will prevent him being recognized
Mr. Mehmet Görmez: No One Can Wage A War On The Faith Of Another Person
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says that the Prophet Jesus (as) will come as an individual, not as a collective personality
Satan has no coercive power; a person is individually responsible in the afterlife for the wickedness he has committed
"the Prophet Muhammad (saas), The Holy Person Who Guided The World History" Documentary Watched In Berlin
Syed irfan Ahmed ( Assistant Editor Monthly Hamdard-e-sehat )