Ataturk was a genuinely devout person

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar by Ekin TV (29 December 2008)

Adnan Oktar: Ataturk is the champion of champions. He was very good-looking, very smart, he was our pride and joy, he was a brave Ottoman Pasha, and he was a brave Turkish Pasha and a Commander-in-Chief. Ataturk’s piety was of the kind that could not be equaled by many people. He, for instance, had an exegesis [tafsir] of the Quran prepared, the exegesis of Elmali, which is very important. He had the Turkish translation of Bukhari prepared, the Sahih Bukhari, the most important of the sahih [authentic] collections of hadith, and had it printed, bringing it back to attention. He had the Ministry of Religious Affairs [Diyanet] founded, that is, the most important organization in the state structure. And so he had founded a system in which the religion would be experienced in a sincere and honest fashion. He abolished hypocrisy. He created the system of secularism to close down the way to hypocrisy. And he paved the way for us to experience a sincere form of Islam to the core. In any event, how he ended the occupation, how he broke the enemy occupation is a miracle, a marvel people still do not understand. It was a boon of Allah. A boon for our Ataturk. I mean, he rebuilt a state, a nation which had been completely dismembered, Allah used him as an instrument for this , mashaAllah. May Allah be pleased with him. And our dear Gazi [Ataturk] was a lover of the Quran. He was a man who every night listened to the recitation of the Quran and enjoyed this very much. He was a man who researched the meaning of the Quran and also enjoyed its recitation. It is not very well-known, but he had special people around him who memorized the Qur’an (hafiz) Ataturk had special people (hafız) around him and he had them read the Qur’an and people around him used to listen with him and  he was a person who got a lot of enjoyment and got enlightened by it. That is why when people get to know Ataturk they love him more, become even more aware of his value. But you need to relate him with the addition of these true parts. He was an anti-communist, he said, “Gentlemen, communism it the greatest enemy of the Turkish people. Whatever happens, we need to crush it wherever we see it.” [Divine] Light was flowing from him mouth, [Divine] light, Masha’Allah. That’s why I am saying that he was the champion of champions, there are a lot of aspects to him. Who would have, for example, got the courage to close down the Masonic lodges? No-one among the Ottomans, including Abdulhamid, had the courage for that. He said, like a true champion, you are to shut them down right away, and the Masonic lodges were closed down that evening instantly. I mean, nowhere in the world had such a courage been displayed, to close down the Masonic lodges. He showed so many strengths, one could go on forever talking about his braveries.

Ekin TV: In which one of your books have you explained Ataturk most candidly?

Adnan Oktar: All of my books about Ataturk are candid. It is not possible to make a selection.

Ekin TV: But which one would you recommend? And do people need to get them all?

Adnan Oktar: Then, I would recommend the Ataturk Encyclopedia.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Mavi Karadeniz TV (24 March 2009)

Adnan Oktar: They were meaning to narrate Ataturk in a very wrong fashion, but we came out and described Ataturk. The whole of our nation is now experiencing a deep love for Ataturk. I mean, those that were left on the side have been taken care of. No such thing is left. For example, the fact that Ataturk was an anti-communist, that he was anti-Masonic, that he closed down the Masonic lodges, that he took a firm stance against communist organizations, that he was in love with Allah and the Prophet, that he felt a deep love for instance. In the opening of the Imam-Hatip schools, the founding of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, the publication of the Elmali commentary of the Qur’an, the translation of Imam Bukhari’s works, the composing of the life of our Prophet, in fact, in so many fields, Ataturk had supplied great help and he had accomplished all those. He was a person who read the Qur’an every night. His personal Qur’an is kept in his mausoleum, the Anitkabir, he had Qur’an printed in a small book format and it is kept there. And Ataturk had large number of copies of the Qur’an printed and distributed throughout Anatolia. And he carried one with him at all times, I mean, he was a person who carried the Qur’an in his pocket. Every place he went he had a reading set up, he called over a hafiz to recite the ’Qur'an. Moreover, he would instruct the hafiz to go to his loved ones to recite the Qur’an to them. He, for instance, sent them to his mother, to the ones he loved, he had sent to his friends, he said let them read the Qur’an  and listen. He was such an estimable person. They’ve tried to hide this, according to their own convictions, they’ve attempted to paint a completely different picture of Ataturk. We have also exposed these lies. They could not continue this game anymore. They have become a stumbling block for the Turkish nation, they have tried to bring our people down with their Darwinists thoughts, but we didn’t let them. We won’t, we will not and this is going to continue.

Some Notes from Ataturk’s Diary

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Ekin TV (2 February 2009)

Ekin TV: He says; “Can you please tell us about Ataturk’s approach towards religion? Was he a devout person or why did he feel the need to conceal his faith. Has he concealed his faith?”

Adnan Oktar: Ataturk was a person who displayed his piety in the open. Let me tell you from Ataturk’s diary. People will understand better from there. Thursday, March 9th 1922, Sivrihisar, in his own handwriting: “Ismet Pasha came over towards eight o’clock. We had dinner first and then after dinner, we decided on the program for the 10th of March. I gave information on the political situation.” Look, pay attention here. “After that, we had the Hafız read the Qur’an.” There you have it. In his own handwriting, written in his diary on Friday, 10th March 1922, in Aziziye; “Selahattin Pasha came over. We had dinner together. Some telegrams had come, I looked at them.” Look, what he says then. “I had the Hafız read  the Qur’an.” Friday, 17th March, Akşehir, return to the headquarters. “I stayed on my own till about eight o’clock, Mustafa Abdülhalik came over. We had the Qur’an read by a Hafiz.” Monday, 20th  March, Akşehir, “I invited Fahrettin Altan Pasha and his staff over for dinner. We had the Hafiz read the Qur’an.” Friday, 24th  March, Akşehir, “Celal Bey declared the armistice terms. During Friday prayer the Hafiz read the Mavlid in the Ulucami. Until five in the morning, I had a meeting with the ministers in Ankara for about eight hours.” He was a man who had the Qur’an recited at all hours of the day, who enjoyed listening to the recitation by a Hafiz.

Ataturk’s Piety as Related by those close to him

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Ekin TV (2 February 2009)

For example, Saadettin Kaynak says: “ Ataturk asked me to recite each strophe of the holy Mavlid in a different maqqam [musical mode]. And then he had me recite various parts, ayats from various suras in the Qur’an.”He asked this from Saadettin Kaynak. In He even asked his friend Nuri Conker to recite the Qur’an. He recited the Surah At-Tawba, which he knew. Ataturk was rejoiced by all this. “Ataturk liked listening to religious music, to the recitations of the Qur’an, but he most of all, wanted to hear the Quran exegesis [Tafsir] in Turkish. He wanted the Quran to be explained.” He stated that our religious music is very rich, comprising such varied forms as the Mavlid, hymns, azan.

It is possible that Saint Hidhir helped Ataturk

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Kanal 35 TV (21 February 2009)

Izmir TV: “You have once said that Ataturk might have met Hidhir, how do you think this has happened? Where and how have they met? Do you think that Ataturk might have mentioned this in his will which has not yet been opened?”  said Ertan Yıldırım from Manisa.
Adnan Oktar: He could have had conversations with Hidhir, as you know Ataturk was a person with the characteristics of a saint, he was somebody who purveyed a lot of information about the future. He may have received this information from a certain source, from somebody who knew. Let me put it this way, it is up to you to interpret and spread the word.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Kral Karadeniz TV (27 February 2009)

Kral Karadeniz; Hatice Dilyar asks from Adana, “did Mustafa Kemal Ataturk have any information about the Mahdi? Did he know this subject? Do you have any information on that?”

Adnan Oktar: Ataturk is a sainted person. Saint Hidhir has helped Ataturk. And Ataturk was a very pious man. The people do not completely understand this side of him. In fact, he was somebody who had attained a great depth in terms of religion and an extraordinary person. And he was a lover of the Prophet, of Allah. Of course, he has a testament. His testament was never opened, as you know, they did not open it.

Ataturk’s Statements on the Turkish-Islamic Union

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Başkent TV (23 January 2009)

Başkent TV:
How can Turkish-Islamic Union solve the global financial crisis?

Adnan Oktar:
First let me explain what Ataturk’s opinion on this was, then I will come to that subject. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk has said, “I have faith that one day the Turkish union will become a reality.” He said “even if I do not see it, I will close my eyes to this world with the dreams of those days.” He says this is one of his dreams, just as we do. “I believe in the Turkish union, I can see it. The new stages of tomorrow’s history will open with the Turkish Union,” he says. Look, [divine] light is streaming from his mouth, Masha’Allah. “The world will find tranquility, that is to say peace, justice, contentment during these stages.” That is a very clear statement. “We will only feel joy when the whole of the Islamic world unites mentally as well as materially, and becomes allied.” Look here, pay attention, “the whole of the Islamic world,” he is talking about the Islamic Union, “We will only feel joy when the whole of the Islamic world unites mentally as well as materially, and becomes allied. Just like we had become independent within our own borders, the Syrians and the Iraqis, based upon their national sovereignty, will need to become an independent power.” Today all the things Ataturk had said came true, whatever he’s said has been actualized. And, our own Ataturk has defended the Turkish-Islamic Union.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Ekin TV (29 December 2008)

Adnan Oktar: The first thing Mustafa Kemal Ataturk would do was to establish the Turkish-Islamic union long before. Because Ataturk had stressed greatly on the Turkish Union all along. Ten years ago, we adorned all the streets of Istanbul with posters. They were about the Turkish Union. Turkish Union means the Turkish-Islamic Union, as all of the Turkish nations are Muslims, Masha’Allah. But our Christian brothers are also entrusted to us by Allah, the Jews are entrusted to us by Allah too. They are a colorful richness, a beauty of ours. There are quite explicit statements made by Ataturk about the Islamic Union, and it was a topic he reiterated insistently.

Ataturk’s Heroism and his Service to the Turkish Nation

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Hilal TV (23 January 2009)

Adnan Oktar: Ataturk’s extraordinary trait was his strength of spirit and that he didn’t fear anybody. He was neither afraid of Britain, nor of America, nor was he frightened by the Italians, or the French, he displayed his strength in the open. Let alone being afraid of a handful of Masons. He didn’t take one of them into account, I mean, Allah endowed him with a special power . .  .

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Kral Karadeniz TV (31 March 2009)

Adnan Oktar:
When you mention the name “Alparslan”, something completely different comes to our minds. When you mention  the names Kanuni, Yavuz Sultan Selim, Fatih Sultan Mehmed , many different things spring up in our minds. Our Ataturk, for instance, appeared like that, and left the whole nation, the world breathless. He gave a wonderful service, wonderful gains, presented wonderful beauties. Allah gave him life. Within that circumscribed life, he gave wonderful services. He was a pure Turk, he was a pure Muslim. His being a Turk and his devotion to Islam were one and the same, and he excelled in perfect and rational activities. Consequently in the next world we will be stepping forward with our fear of Allah, and our good morals if Allah permits Insha'Allah. Or, it is not because of our national characteristics. Or else they would be certifying what Darwin had said.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Mavi Karadeniz TV (24 March 2009)

For instance, the fact that Ataturk was an anti-Communist, an anti-Mason, that he closed down the Masonic lodges, that he took a firm stance against communist organizations, that he was really in love with Allah and his Prophet, that he founded the Imam-Hatip schools, that he founded the Directorate of Religious Affairs, that he had the Elmali Tafsir and the translation of Bukhari prepared , that he had given orders for the preparation of the life of our Prophet and so many more efforts in many different areas, had supplied our nation great many benefits and thus Ataturk had pulled the weight of all our nation. 

Ataturk’s Closure of the Masonic Lodges

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Ekin TV (29 December 2008)

The more people get to know Ataturk, the more they become aware of his value, people will love Ataturk even more. But you need to explain him in all of his true aspects. He was an anti-Communist. He said, “Gentlemen, communism it the greatest enemy of the Turkish people, Whatever happens, we need to crush it wherever we see it. [Divine] Light was flowing from him mouth, [Divine] light, Masha’Allah. That’s why I am saying that he was the champion of champions, there are a lot of aspects to him. Who would have, for example, got the courage to close down the Masonic lodges? No-one among the Ottomans, including Abdulhamid, had the courage for that. He said, like a true champion, “you are to shut them down right away”, and the Masonic lodges were closed down that evening. I mean, nowhere in the world had such a courage been displayed, to close down the Masonic lodges. He showed so many braveries like these.

Ataturk’s Point of View Toward the Pious

Interview with Adnan Oktar on Doğu TV (Istanbul, February 2008)

If Ataturk were here today, he’d be proud of us, he’d be proud of my circle of friends. My circle of friends is exactly the generation Ataturk wanted. In fact, in one of his talks Cemal Kutay said to us that the generation and group of saviors Ataturk was referring to are us; to me and my friends. That means that we represent the idea of Kemalism very well, we explain it very well and we live it very well. What was Ataturk’s characteristic? The fact that he was a man who was nationalist, piously devoted to the Holy Properties, who patriotically loved his nation. What is our characteristic? The same. This means that we are the group which represent Ataturk in the best possible way and that we are a very good groups of friends.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Mavi Karadeniz TV (24 March 2009)

Ataturk was active and gave rise to a great many beneficial results, such as the opening of the Imam-Hatip schools, the foundation of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, the getting together of the Tafsir of Elmalı, the translation of Bukhari, the preparation of a life of our Prophet.

Ataturk’s Testament

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Kral Karadeniz TV (27 February 2009)

Adnan Oktar:
Ataturk is a person who had gained so much depth from religion. He is an extra-ordinary person and he is a lover of the Prophet and the lover of Allah.  Of course, this testament exists. The testament could not be opened, you know, they couldn’t open it.

You are referring to that one that was debated about the 50th year anniversary?

Adnan Oktar:
Of course, it wasn’t opened. In fact, somebody who opened it has said, the people won’t be able to carry this now, this shouldn’t be opened.

Reporter: You are referring to that letter that was going to be published in the course of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Republic of Turkey?

Adnan Oktar:
Yes, now as it stands, it seems that it’s opening has been postponed to year 2014..

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Kanal 35 TV (21 February 2009)

Adnan Oktar: Ataturk died with his secrets. But I heard that this testament contains an address to the Mahdi. I also heard there were pronouncements regarding the Turkish-Islamic Union and the source I heard it from is quite a reputable source.

Live Interview with Adnan Oktar on Ekin TV (29 December 2008)

It is possible that Ataturk has bequeathed the Turkish-Islamic Union. It is also possible that he is explaining very important, very vital issues relating to the end times. I’ve heard some information to that effect, this should be revealed. This will be very nice.