Chancellor Angela Merkel says Islam has become a part of Germany and she is urging her fellow citizens to show tolerance for Muslims.
Islam Lessons in German to be introduced in Germany
Quality Is An Important Part Of Islam
Islam Lessons must Regularly be Instructed in Germany
The Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in Germany
Impact Of Atlas Of Creation in Germany
"Islam is Peace" Says President
Germany approved the construction of a new mosque
There are More Muslims in Germany than in Lebanon
4.3 Million Muslims live in Germany
The Fervor of Holy Birth in Germany
Iftar fervor in Germany
Shadow Chancellor George Osborne's brother has converted to Islam
Nancy F Millis ( Emeritus Professor, Chancellor, La Trobe University )
Islamic Investment Fund was put into service in Germany
Evoluiton Deceit Conference In Lunen, Germany
What Will Dawkins Have to Say to This?: Londoners Say "We Support Creation"
Colleen Carter ( Personal Assistant To The Vice-chancellor )
Germany, The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution And The Fact Of Creation Conference In Tubingen
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder teaches Islam to Europe
Refugees are now a part of Turkish society
Say no to sacrificing ties on the altar of politics
Photographs from the Conference held in Germany – Lünen on 16 October, 2010
Should We Accept Terrorism as a Part of Our Lives?