Israel’s news portal Breaking Israel News, published an article with the title, “Temple Mount Activist Yehuda Glick Travels to Turkey for Ramadan Peace Mission” regarding Rabbi Glick’s visit to Istanbul as a guest of Mr. Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya).


Breaking Israel News quotes:


“In an interview with Adnan Oktar, a prominent author and television host on the A9 satellite channel who has spoken out in the past about the brotherhood between Jews and Muslims, Oktar expressed his admiration of Glick and reaffirmed his condemnation of violence.


“The assassination attempt was terrible,” said Oktar. “It was terrorism. We denounce that very powerfully. No normal Muslim can think of this or do this.”


Glick states: “I think what Mr. Oktar is doing every day, calling to people and saying that God is not the God of evil, God is a God of mercy, is so important because we have to prepare mankind for these special days.”

Haham Yehuda Glick A9 TV’de Adnan Oktar’ın konuğu