The Jerusalem Post, the most long-established English newspaper of Israel followed throughout the world, published a news item announcing that a delegation is coming from Israel in order to meet with Mr. Adnan Oktar, on its news dates May 4th, 2011. Some lines from the item were as follows:

Interfaith leaders to meet with the influential Turkish scholar

A delegation from Israel comprised of rabbis, sheikhs and a priest resolved in Istanbul on Thursday to form an interfaith convention – along with their Turkish hosts – that will arbitrate disputes in the Middle East and Muslim world to counter religious extremism and promote peace.

A delegation from Israel comprised of rabbis, sheiks and a priest will resolve in Istanbul on Wednesday to form an interfaith convention.

A rabbi, a Catholic priest, a Druse and a sheikh will spend three days with Adnan Oktar, a philosopher and religious scholar with a great mass of followers throughout the Muslim world, also known as Harun Yahya.

Such a meeting took place a couple of yers ago; this will be the second delegation led by Deputy Minister for Development of the Negev and Galilee, Ayoob Kara. Kara said that the relations between Jerusalem and Ankara need to be improved. Rabbi Hollander, who accepted the invitation, defines Oktar as “a religious scholar and philosopher who aims to make the world a better place”. Oktar is making a television program, which is broadcasted every day and watched by millions of people. Hollander said: “If people like Oktar’s program, then I would definitely spend my time to encourage them to this”.

You can read or watch Mr. Adnan Oktar’s explanations at the press conference held with the Israeli delegation.