The iftar banquest held by A9 TV Channel during Ramadan at the Çırağan Palace, which brought many prominent figures of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim world made the news on the popular Israeli newspapers.

Jerusalem Post, English-language popular Israeli newspaper, issued an article about this iftar which brought together more than 750 guests of different opinions, religions and beliefs as the personal guests of Adnan Oktar.

The article in question called attention to Rabbi Yehuda Glick of Israel Likud party addressing Adnan Oktar as “a leader with his attitude towards all religions, a leader with the love he has for all the people, a leader in preaching our Lord” as the most noteworthy instance of the night.

Farklı inanç gruplarının önde gelen mensupları A9 TV’nin düzenlediği iftarda bir araya geldi