and those encouraging it are committing crimes
They supported stoppin the execution in Bangladesh
Executions Will Only Drag Bangladesh Into Darkness
E. coli bacterium
Those who want to change the world
E. Benjamin Nelson ( United States Senator )
Those who trust Allah never lose hope
Lack of affection for those who oppose Allah’s words
Those who love the Prophet ‘Isa (as) are charged with love, not war
Refugees: Stopping the madness
Refugees: Stopping the Madness
Stop treading the beaten path
Harun Yahya Conference At The British institute Of Technology & E-commerce
"those Who Are On The Side Of Allah Will Never Get Defeated"
Texas Bishop Of Victoria ( David E. Fellhauer )
Deaths Cannot Stop More People Being Killed
"Those Who Commit Violence Against Health Care Personnel Will Be Arrested "
Those who propagandize the error that the Prophet Jesus (as) is dead will be one reason why he is not recognized
Guidelines to win Turkish presidency
Why is Maryam Yahya to be executed?
Those with sickness in their hearts
Stop food waste to reduce hunger