and those encouraging it are committing crimes
Executions Will Only Drag Bangladesh Into Darkness
They supported stoppin the execution in Bangladesh
An open letter for stopping Mir Quasem Ali's execution
Those who want to change the world
God increases his blessings on those who are grateful
Those Who Do Good Meet Goodness
Mr. Adnan Oktar stirred up Twitter to stop the execution of Abdul Qadeer Molla
Not having love for those who struggle against Allah's verses
Stop lying!
Mullah's execution and lessons to learn
Risky Deal Between Myanmar And Bangladesh
How to execute an entire nation
Putin: "God helps those who help Him"
"Those who deny the invalidity of Darwinism have the courage that comes from ignorance"
Bangladesh’s Problems Are Large, But Not Insuperable
Why is Maryam Yahya to be executed?
Turkey's Executive Decision
Death, Afterlife And Hell
Lack of affection for those who oppose Allah’s words
Stop treading the beaten path