What He Said?What Happened?

Azerbaycan Novoye Vremya, 6 October 2008

Interviewer: What do you say about the global economic crisis in the world?

Adnan Oktar: NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO TURKEY. Nothing will happen to the member countries of the Turkish Islamic Union. There will be prosperity and richness. The period of prosperity and richness will follow Insha’Allah. We are at the doorstep of the Golden Age with Allah’s permission. From now on, Turkish countries will be happy, joyful and comfortable.

Çay TV, 23 July 2008

Adnan Oktar: Let everybody believe sincerely. Turkey is really changing for the better and we will really be the superpower. TURKEY WILL BE SUCH A BIG COUNTRY AS IT HAD NEVER BEEN IN HISTORY. Turkey will be the leader of the world of Islam. We are at the beginning of this historical mission. And Turkish nation is a nation that will save the whole world from the anarchy, terror, trouble, all kinds of suffering. Turkish nation is really very noble, decent nation that matured with ordeals and has a beneficial soul to rule the world. It seems Allah gave this duty to this nation inshaAllah. We will see this very soon inshaAllah.

Zaman, 9 June 2011

The state of Turkey in 2011 is incomparable to the one in 2002. The Public is pleased with the state of affairs.

The state of Turkey in 2011 is incomparable to the one in 2002. The Public is pleased with the situation. PEW, which conducted a “Global Tendencies” survey this year in 23 countries obtained striking results. According to the survey, while the rate of people who thought the state in the country was going well in 2002, this rate multiplied by 12 in 2011 and rised to 48 percent. The rate of the people who were pleased with the economic situation also multiplied by 4. 64 percent of the public, on the other hand, trust in Prime Minister Erdogan in foreign affairs issues.