The physical characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

The physical characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (as)


Our Prophet (saas) has provided a great deal of identificatory information in the hadiths regarding the moral and physical features of the Hazrat Mahdi (as). He tells us that Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) moral values resemble his own, and praises those moral values and his fear of Allah. Our Prophet (saas) has also stated that the Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a most valuable individual who will be a means whereby people attain salvation in this world and in the Hereafter. 
The chaos, oppression, climate or war and terror, strife, famines and earthquakes that have occurred in the last few decades are all portents of the coming of the Hazrat Mahdi (as). Being aware of this encourages all Muslims to learn more details about the signs of the coming of  Hazrat Mahdi (as) and about his titles. Each new piece of information enhances their enthusiasm still further.
Our Prophet (saas) has provided Muslims with information about the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the End Times. As he said in imparting this information to Muslims, “These are great glad tidings that increase the excitement and enthusiasm of all Muslims.” Together with the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), Islamic scholars have also transmitted the excitement and enthusiasm of these tidings in manuscripts that have come down from their day to ours, and have served as vehicles whereby the subject can be kept alive and monitored by the faithful. The portents that are taking place in our own time show that the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is close at hand.
The corruption, oppression, climate of war and terror, strife, famines and earthquakes that have occurred in the last few decades are all portents of the coming of the Hazrat Mahdi (as). Being aware of this encourages all Muslims to learn more details about the signs of the coming of the Hazrat Mahdi (as) and about his titles. Each new piece of information will enhance their enthusiasm still further.


The hadiths of our Prophet Muhammad (saas) describe the physical features of Hazrat Mahdi (as):
“Even if as little as a day is left of the life of the world, Allah will send an individual from my people. He will fill the world with justice, as it was (once) filled with cruelty  (Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 14, p. 402)
He will be descended from our Prophet (saas)
All the prophets are related to one another. According to the hadiths, the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will also be descended from that same line. People descended from the Prophet (saas) are popularly known as “sayyid.”
Some of the hadiths that refer to the Hazrat Mahdi (as) being descended from the line of our Prophet (saas) read as follows:
It is related from the blessed Ali that the Prophet (saas)  stated: “Even if no more than  a day remains until the Day of Judgement, Allah will send an individual (the Hazrat Mahdi (as)) from my Ahl al-Bayt.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, 5/92)
Days and nights will not end until one from my house rules the entire world. (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)
It is related from Said ibn al Musayyab that the Prophet (saas) stated: “The Hazrat Mahdi (as) is from the line of my daughter, Fatima.” (Ibn Majah, 10/348)
Learn the glad tidings of  Hazrat Mahdi (as). He is from the Quraish and one of my house.   (Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 13)

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my children. His face is like a star shining in the heavens.” (Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad al-Qari al-Hanafi “Risalat al- Mashrab al-Vardi fi mazhab al-Mahdi”)


Our Prophet (saas) said:
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a man of 40, from my line. His face is like a star shining in the heavens. (Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad al-Qari  al-Hanafi “Risalat Mashrab al Vardi fi Mazhabi’l Mahdi”)
The Prophet (saas) said:
“Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my children. His face is like a bright star.”  (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)
 His Face Is Beautiful and Radiant
 He (the Hazrat Mahdi (as)) is a beautiful young man, with a beautiful face. The light of his face rises to his head and the blackness of his hair. (Mahdism and Imamiya, p. 153/ Ikdud, Dura)
His face is radiant like a shining star.    
 (Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 33)
Our Prophet (saas) said: “Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a man of 40 from my line.  His face is like a star shining in the heavens.”
 (Ali ibn Sultan Muhammad al-Kari al-Hanafi, “Risalat Mashrab al Vardi fi Mazhabi’l Mahdi”)
The Prophet (saas) said:
“Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my children. His face is like a bright star.” (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib”)
“He is beautiful of face. The light of his countenance bestows grandeur on him”
(Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s “Feraidu Fevaidi’l Fikr Fi’l Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Muntadhar”)
“He (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) is a young man of medium stature and a beautiful face. His hair falls to his shoulders. The light of his face, shines like day on the blackness of his hair, his beard and his head and gives him greatness.” (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)


His face is like a bright star. (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’si “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)

His Teeth Are Bright
His teeth are bright …(Ali Ibn  Husamaddin Al Muttaqi)
His Thighs Are Long

His thighs are long, and he is Arab in complexion. (Portents of the Doomsday, Barzanji, p. 162-163)
There Is a Mole on His Cheek
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a thick beard, his front teeth are bright, there are moles on his face, and his brow is wide. (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’si “Feraidu Fevaidi’l Fikr Fi’l Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Mundhazar”)
There is a mole on his face.. (Ali Ibn Husamaddin Al Muttaqi)
There is a sign on his cheek, reminiscent of a pearl, that illuminates his face like a star.
(Muhammad ibn Rasul Al-Husayni al Barzanji, Portents of Doomsday”    Pamuk Publishings, Trans: Naim Erdogan)
The Mark of Prophethood Is on His Shoulder
The mark of prophethood on our Prophet (saas) will be on the Hazrat Mahdi (as)’s shoulder.(Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 41)

The sign of the Prophet (saas) is on his shoulder. (Al-Burhan fi `Alamatal-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 23)
The sign of the Prophet (saas) is on his shoulder. (Portents of Doomsday, Barzanji, p. 163)
As can be seen from the hadiths, the “mark of prophethood,” a clear sign, will be between Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) shoulders, as was the case with the Prophet Muhammad (saas).
It is related from Jabir ibn Samura  that: The mark of the Prophet (saas) was round like a pigeon’s egg. (Tirmidhi, 6/126)
It is related from that Ebu b Yezid that: “My eyes beheld the mark between the Prophet’s (saas) shoulders.” (Tirmidhi, 6/126)


He Has Black Hair
The light of his face rises to his head and the blackness of his hair.  (Mahdism and Imamiya, p. 153 / Ikdud Durar)
“He is a young man of medium stature. He has a beautiful face. His hair hangs over his shoulders. The light of his face gives him grandeur. He has black hair. He has a black beard.” (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)
“He ( Hazrat Mahdi (as)) is a young man of medium stature and a beautiful face. His hair hangs over his shoulder. The light of his face shines like day day over the blackness his hair, beard and head, and gives him grandeur.” (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)
His General Appearance
As can be seen from the hadiths below, Hazrat Mahdi (as) has an impressive, well-built and striking appearance:
The stature of the Hazrat Mahdi (as) is like that of the people of Israel. (Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 36-29)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is like one of the people of Israel. (His comportment is like theirs, majestic and fearless.) (Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir az-Zaman, p. 23-30)
He is a majestic person … with a broad brow. (Ikdud Durar)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a body like an Israelite. It is as if  Hazrat Mahdi (as) were one of the people of Israel. (Ibn Hajar Al Makki)
His body is like an Israelite body.  (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
(His external appearance) resembles that of a man of the people of Israel.  (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib”)
He is broad of brow. (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
His stomach is large …  (Mar’iy Ibn Yusuf Ibn Abu Bakr Ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
There is a space between his thighs …  (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
He is large of body… (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-Saqib)


His Eyebrows Are Curved
“His eyebrows are rounded.” (Muhammad ibn Rasul Al-Husayni Al Barzenci, Portents of Doomsday” Pamuk Publishings, , p. 163)
His Complexion
 Hazrat Mahdi (as) is Arab in colouring… (Ibn Hajar Al Makki; “Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”, p. 15-75)
NOTE: Arabs are generally a reddish white in colouring.
Our Prophet (saas) was also reddish-white in colour. However, those parts of his body that were exposed were darker because of such factors as the Sun and wind. It appears from accounts that the colouring of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be the same as that of our Prophet (saas). In one account the complexion of the prophet is described as follows:
Anas ibn  Malik said this about the Prophet’s (saas) colouring: He was white, but a darkish white.(Ibn Qasir, Shamai al-Rasul, p. 28)
He was a reddish white in colour. (Ibn Qasir, Shamail al-Rasul, p. 28)
He will be swarthy. Portents of Doomsday, p. 163;  Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 43)
It is related in hadiths that in addition to having a large head, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be broad and impressive:
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my line. His brow is broad and wide. (Imam Sharani “Death, the Hereafter and Portents of the End Times”, Bedir Publishing, p. 432-448)
As can be seen from the hadith, Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) brow is quite large, for which reason he has a large head.

His Age
The ages stated in hadiths are those at which Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be sent, at which he starts work, and at which people will recognise him and witness his activities.
He will be sent when he is between 30 and 40 years old… Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my children. He is around 40.
(Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 41)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my line. He is 40 years old. His face is like a bright star … (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
“He is a young man.” (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
His Nose

His brow will be wide, and his nose fine. (Tirmidhi / Great Ahadith Collection, Rudani Vol. 5, p. 365)
His brow is broad and his nose bright. (The Person The Century Has been Waiting for: Hazrat Mahdi (as), Adil Gokbayrak, p. 28)
“…He has a small nose…” (Muhammad ibn Rasul Al-Husayni             Al Barzanji, Portents of Doomsday” Pamuk Publishings, Trans. Naim Erdogan, p. 163)
His Beard
His beard will be thick and plentiful. (Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 23)
His beard is thick. (Portents of Doomsday, Barzanji, p. 163)
“He is a young man. Of medium stature. He has a beautiful face. His hair hangs over his shoulders. The light of his face gives him grandeur. He has a black beard.
 (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)

“He (the Hazrat Mahdi (as))  is a young man of medium stature and a beautiful face. His hair falls to his shoulders. The light of his face, shines like day on the blackness of his hair, his beard and his head and gives him greatness.” (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)
“Hazrat Mahdi (as) has a thick beard…”
 (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdi’s, “Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)


His Stature
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be of medium stature. (Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 41)
We learn from accounts that our Prophet (saas) was also of medium height, as we do from hadiths regarding the stature of the Hazrat Mahdi (as):
It is related from Anas ibn Malik that: The Prophet (saas) was of medium stature. The word “Rab” used in the hadith means normal and of average stature. Yet there is a limit to normal height in comparison to a tall person. Because normal height is that between someone of that height and seven spans. (Tirmidhi, Shamail al-Sharif, p. 15)

When we look at sources other than of the Sunna we see that they contain similar information regarding the Hazrat Mahdi (as).

For example, it is reported that false Hazrat Mahdis (as) will emerge before the genuine Hazrat Mahdi (as) and that these will enjoy no prestige, that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will remain silent in the face of this; that in the period known as the End Times there will be terrible degeneration in people’s moral values; that some people will be auspicious and others not, and that some will be destroyed; that there will be moral degeneration before he appears; that there will be atheist rulers and perverted scholars, and people’s earnings will decline; that the Sufyan will appear, an army will be buried, a voice will be heard, someone from the Beni Abbas will be destroyed, and the Bayda will collapse as portents of his coming; that these portents will take place one after the other; that there will be a long period when Hazrat Mahdi (as) disappears and some people will lose their faith; that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear after all people hear a voice from the skies; that after Hazrat Mahdi (as) is declared to have come people will submit to his caliphate; that he will rule like the prophets Sulayman and Dawud; that he will cause Islamic moral values to prevail and restore life to Islam; that he will fill the world, now full of oppression and injustice, with justice and equality; that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will follow in the path of our Prophet (saas) and in the same way that the Prophet (saas) brought in religious moral values, the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will eliminate false beliefs and practices and restore the religion to its original form; that Muslims living in the time of our Prophet (saas) will wish to live in that of the Hazrat Mahdi (as), and that a few more than 300 people will follow the Hazrat Mahdi (as); that his helpmates will number 313; that he will appear with sacred relics; that he will possess such moral values that he fears no condemnation; that he will not make his needs clear, but that people will stand in need of him; that he will be moderate and wise; that he will be descended from the House of Muhammad; that he will be impressive and dignified; that he will have a beautiful face and hair; and that he will have a thin nose and wide face.

In other accounts it is reported that
there is a mark on the Hazrat Mahdi’s  (as) brow.” It is also stated that
there is a mole on his right leg.”
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is one of my children. His face is bright like a star.”
 (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib)


Throughout this article we have been examining, in the light of the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) certain characteristics that will enable Hazrat Mahdi (as) to be recognised when he appears in the End Times. Much identificatory information is provided in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) regarding both his moral and physical attributes. He has said that the moral values of Hazrat Mahdi (as) resemble his own, and praised his fear of Allah and moral values. Our Prophet (saas) has also stated that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be a means whereby people attain salvation in this world and in the Hereafter, and told people to “join him, even by crawling over snow:” 
Ibni Abi Shayba and Naim ibn Hammad drew from Ibn Majah  in the work Fitan, and Abu Naim drew from Ibn Mas’ud. He said that: “He (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) will rule the world and fill it, which was filled with opression and cruelty before him, with justice. Whoever of you lives to see him, let him crawl over snow to him and join him. Because he is the Hazrat Mahdi (as).” (Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, Jalaladdin Suyuti, p. 14)
The period we are living in is when this historic event, awaited for 1400 years and revealed by our Prophet (saas), has approached. All Muslims aware of this fact must read the contents of this article, the information provided in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), with great care and seize every opportunity to be able to recognise this holy individual. Because research into and investigation of these facts will, by the will of Allah, be a means whereby this holy individual can be properly known.
There is no doubt that Muslims have an important responsibility to prepare the way for and assist such a holy personage who will be a means whereby Islam returns to its original form and the moral values of the Qur’an prevail over all the world, and who will establish unity among Muslims. It is a great blessing and honour for all believers to be able to be close to such a holy individual as Hazrat Mahdi (as), to support him and assist him in his work which will benefit all mankind.

