He said: O Commander of the Faithful! From whom does Hazrat Mahdi (as) come? He replied: He is from the Bani Hashim, from the peak of the Arabs’ great mountain. HE IS SUCH AN OCEAN THAT PEOPLE CAN ENDLESSLY GROW IN KNOWLEDGE AND MORALITY IN THIS SPIRITUAL OCEAN. HE IS A MERCY FOR THOSE WHO SHELTER IN HIM... (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 251)

LET NOTHING PREVENT YOU FROM SWEARING ALLEGIANCE TO HIM [FROM BEING HIS FOLLOWER], those who hinder you are those who always shelter in corruption. If they speak, they speak evil, and if they are silent they are peccable and impious.”(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 252)

He said: O Commander of the Faithful! From whom does Hazrat Mahdi (as) come? He said: He is from the Bani Hashim, from the peak of the Arab’s great mountain. He is such an ocean that anyone entering it is lost. He is a mercy for those who shelter in him,he is that makes people pure [clean] when they are filled with hate, when death appears he is not afraid, when death comes he is not shaken and he never withdraws from the field of struggle.HE IS EXPERIENCED, VICTORIOUS, INVINCIBLE, A LION, SOUND, THE PILLAR OF HIS PEOPLE, COURAGEOUS, he is the wisdom sword of Allah, the leader, everyone gathers around him, he grew at home as a source of greatness and honor, and his greatness stems from the most noble greatness. (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 251)

In the hadith it is said that there will be those who try to prevent the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) from going along with him. It is noted how these people are contrary and given to corruption, how they think of corruption when they speak and when they are silent, how curses pour from them and how they are immoral.