Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar’s live interview dated March 18, 2010

Has the story of Moses not reached you?
When he saw a fire and said to his family, ‘Wait here. I can make out a fire. Maybe I will bring you a brand from it, or will find guidance there.’
Then when he reached it, a voice called out, ‘Moses!
I am your Lord. Take off your sandals. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa.
I have chosen you, so listen well to what is revealed.
I am Allah. There is no god but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer to remember Me.
The Hour is coming but I have concealed it so that every self can be repaid for its efforts.
Do not let those who don’t believe in it and follow their whims and desires debar you from it or you will be destroyed.
What is that in your right hand, Moses?’
He said, ‘It is my staff. I lean on it and beat down leaves for my sheep with it and have other uses for it.’
He said, ‘Throw it down, Moses.’
He threw it down and suddenly it was a slithering snake.
He said, ‘Take hold of it and have no fear. We will return it to its original form.
Put your hand under your arm and press it to your side. It will emerge pure white yet quite unharmed, another Sign.
In this way We show you some of Our greatest Signs.
Go to Pharaoh. He has overstepped the bounds.’
He said, ‘O Lord, expand my breast for me
and make my task easy for me.
Loosen the knot in my tongue
so that they will understand my words.
Assign me a helper from my family,
my brother Aaron.
Strengthen my back by him
and let him share in my task,
so that we can glorify You much
and remember You much,
(Surah Taha 9-33)

ADNAN OKTAR: I seek refuge in Allah from satan. “Then when he reached,” I seek refuge in Allah from satan “Has the story of Moses not reached you?”, verse 9. “When he saw a fire and said to his family, ‘Wait here. I can make out a fire. Maybe I will bring you a brand from it, or will find guidance there.” Who will we find near the fire in the End Times, we will find Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), right? Fire, a big fire is a sign for the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is also a guide. “Then when he reached it, a voice called out, ‘Moses! I am your Lord.” And “I am your Lord. Take off your sandals. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa.” The holy valley Tuwa. He is taking off his shoes there. “I have chosen you, so listen well to what is revealed. I am Allah. There is no god but Me.” The expression here is meaningful. “I”, “I” two times Allah repeats. “I am Allah. There is no god but Me. worship Me and establish prayer to remember Me. The Hour is coming.” Since you have opened this door, I will tell you. For example, 15th verse, the date of the Day of Judgment is 1545 Hijri, right? It is drawing attention to year 1500 in Hijri style.
ALTUĞ BERKER: And my teacher, the previous verse is about “the choosen”, verse 14th.
ADNAN OKTAR:  “The Hour is coming.” Here attention is drawn to the Day of Judgment. “But I have concealed it so that every self can be repaid for its efforts.” I will conceal the coming of the Hour. To whom Allah reveals the Unseen? To the Prophets. Of course Unseen is hidden but Allah reveals the Unseen to the Prophets. “He said, ‘O Lord, expand my breast for me” says Moses (pbuh). He is excited, Allah knows best, his blood pressure is rising and there is palpitation in his heart. In other words tachycardia, Allah knows best of course and maybe rising blood pressure. “And make my task easy for me. Loosen the knot in my tongue.” For he is very excited, the most beautiful, the strong lion, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) was big bodied, huge and he was very strong. “Loosen the knot in my tongue.” Because he is very excited, he cannot speak. He freezes up time to time. It is also Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)’s characteristic. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) cannot speak when he becomes excited. “So that they will understand my words. Assign me a helper from my family, my brother Aaron. Strengthen my back by him and let him share in my task, so that we can glorify You much and remember You much.” Look, he is not going alone. “So that we can glorify You much.” Berker I told you, “since you have opened this door” right?
ADNAN OKTAR: What comes to your mind, the 33rd verse?
ALTUĞ BERKER: The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) inshaAllah.
ADNAN OKTAR: Think again for a second meaning. How many times do we say Alhamdulillah [Praise be to Allah] while praising Allah?
ALTUĞ BERKER: 33 times.
ADNAN OKTAR: 33 times Subhan’Allah [Glorious is Allah], 33 time Allah Akbar [Allah is the Greatest], right? The 33rd verse. “So that we can glorify You much.” 33 times, right? Each of Allah’s names being glorified for 33 times. Makes a total of 99 times “and remember You much for You are watching us.’ Meaning You are seeing us at present, says to Allah. “He said, ‘Your request has been granted, Moses. We were gracious to you another time.” Allah reminds the previous blessing. Allah says this is not the first of My blessings. “When We revealed to your mother: “Place him into the box and throw it into the sea and the sea will wash it up on the shore.” Where will Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) come to? He will come to the shore. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)’s place of activity is also near the water. “Where an enemy of Mine and his will pick it up.” So here says he will give a struggle within the system of the Pharaoh, the intellectual system of antichrist. Allah points out to this. “I showered you with love from Me so that you would be brought up under My supervision.” The Prophet Moses (pbuh) will be a beloved person. “That was how We returned you to your mother so that she might delight her eyes and not be grieved.” Then her mother would be grieved. Then the Prophet Moses (pbuh)’s mother would be grieved. Allah does not say something without a reason. There must be something, something is being told. So there is someone whose mother will be grieved. Something is being told. The Almighty Allah says “Then you arrived at the pre-ordained time, Moses!”