For several years, both in his interviews and his articles, Mr. Adnan Oktar is mentioning that the PKK is a Marxist, Leninist, communist, Darwinist organization and their real struggle is against Islam. He is also saying that the best way to fight against this bloody organization is an intellectual struggle, and the government should have an anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist, anti-communist education. Thus, after the expressions of Mr. Oktar, a lot of people from different background made explanations about the real ideology of PKK. Lastly, in a declaration, Muslim Kurds stated that their war was against Islam and Muslims. A9 TV: April 18th, 2012 ADNAN OKTAR: What is a Stalinist, communist system? You are talking about a system which can never compromise with religion. The communist mindset is a system which is against religion. As the PKK is a Stalinist, communist, Darwinist and materialist organization, they will - and are of course - fighting against religion with all their power. It would be very weird if there was a person who prays, among them. What would a Muslim do there? He must be crazy. He is praying, he is fasting but also he is a member of the PKK. Is it a mosque? What would a Muslim do in the PKK? A person must be crazy to join the PKK unless he is an irreligious, nonbeliever who has no faith.
A9 TV: 18 Aralık 2012 (‘Are our soldiers who died in military service martrys?’ An answer to the question of a audience) ADNAN OKTAR: Have a heart! Isn’t the PKK an organization consisted of irreligious, communist, Stalinist murderers who don’t believe in Allah? Isn’t it a guerrilla? Isn’t the soldier protecting Allah, the Book, our country, our flag, our virtue? If a soldier dies for this, how would you call him? According to the Qur'an, he is called a martyr. What did the companions of our Prophet (saas) do? Weren’t they martryed while they were fighting against the irreligious people? Weren’t they fighting to protect Allah, the Book, the Qur'an? To protect the virtue, the chasity, the country? So we will call them martrys, as we call the companions of our Prophet (saas).
A9 TV: September 27th, 2012 ADNAN OKTAR: We should want the Islamic Union, the Turkish Islamic Union to be established. We should talk about the invalidity of communism. We should talk about the invalidity of Darwinism, materialism. We should talk about the signs of creation by Allah because the depravity of the PKK is the result of their irreligious system. We should begin with a spiritual move. We should end this trouble all together, as a nation. It seems that, there is no other way. In this war of liberty , we should erase this fitna all together, hand in hand. We should make an intellectual, scientific, philosophical, very powerful attack. All the TVs, radios, newspapers, the domestic press and the international press shoul join this big campaign.
A9 TV: July 1st, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: When there is oppression, we are all against it, nobody wants that. I don’t want our Kurdish brothers to be hurt. They are the best and most beautiful people of the world, just like all of our Anatolian people. They are jealous of the Kurdish nation, the Kurdish people, my dear brothers, because they are very religious. They are wildly engaging in communist propaganda just to make them irrreligious. They want to erase religion and faith from the region because the Southeast was the most religious region. They think that, by doing the opposite they will succeed, but this will never happen, insha'Allah.
A9 TV: August 23rd, 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: This is how the system works. If you talk about all the errors of the system, you can take the belief out of a man’s brain. If you take away his belief, than that body cannot be a terrorist anymore. But what do they do? As a psychological counter attack? ‘Shame on you, you are acting unmerciful and cruel. Why do you do this on a saintly day? How can a Muslim do something like that?' He is already an irreligious man. He doesn’t believe in Allah nor the Books. He denies Allah, he is saying that he is a Marxist and a Leninist. He is saying that Allah doesn’t exist, Allah is beyond this. And you are saying to him that, ‘Is this right according to religion, why do you do this on a saintly day?' A very improper strategy is followed. They are insistently pretending as if they didn’t understand. When Darwinism, materialism collapsed, when Marxist, Leninist mindset collapsed, the PKK wouln’t exist anymore. because its belief system would collapse. We will continue saying this until it is understood.
Vatan TV: December 20th, 2007 Adnan Oktar: The PKK is a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, communist organization. It has a philosophical structure. It has gained this through their philosophical propaganda. You can answer a thesis with an anti-thesis of course. We should create anti-communist propoganda. We should make an anti-Stalinist, anti-Darwinist, anti-Marxist propaganda effort. But we are not doing this at the moment. |