Pakistan’s online news service which covers the topics including entertainment, current affairs and various articles published in English and Urdu, Diplomacy Pakistan publishes Harun Yahya articles.
No Religion Preaches War
Insatiable desire for war
War is never justified
Declare war on terror, but how?
Is the Syrian War Really Over?
Is the Syrian War About to End?
Drones: The Ugly War or Terror Itself?
War and Peace revisited
Refugees and Turkey on the Sixth Anniversary of Syrian War
Is Turkey Joining Syrian War?
What awaits Syrians in the post-war period
A meaningful solution to a meaningless war
The world will overflow with justice. || Wars will come to an end
USA: We are not at war with Islam; our reference is Turkey
Protect children, who are paying the highest price for wars
The Ramifications of the Post-9-11 "War on Terror"
The solution for Mosul relies on unity, not war
Going to war for peace won’t help
Future generations growing up amid hunger and wars
Sudan's civil war "Colonialists battle for power"