Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Insatiable desire for war” on June 11th 2016.
Insatiable desire for war
Striving to counter satan, earthly desires
An Oil War in Libya, Not a War of Liberation
War Within a War; Fezzan
War Within A War; Fezzan
Is the Syrian War About to End?
War: A requisite or a choice?
Islam has no place for selfish desires
No Religion Preaches War
The ways of educating the desires of the lower self - 1
Declare war on terror, but how?
Going to war for peace won’t help
A league to extinguish the flames of war
Thinking about satan, earthly desires and hell bestows depth on a person
The Dark Face of the Cyber War
A meaningful solution to a meaningless war
Allah Desires Ease For All
What awaits Syrians in the post-war period?
Future generations growing up amid hunger and wars
The solution for Mosul relies on unity, not war
Justifying Wars Never Brings Peace
Is 'War on Terror' largely self-defeating?
No religion preaches war