What He Said?What Happened?

Çay TV, March 11- 2009    

Adnan Oktar: … As a nation each patient is under our responsibility. Being sick is not a fault, it is an honor and its responsibility is upon us. When a person is sick, that person, that brother is under our trust. He is under the responsibility of our nation. We will care for him; we are responsible for his food, drink, joy, happiness, treatment, everything. Money should not be taken from a sick person; he will  go to the most qualified hospital, a cancer patient will go to first-class hospital. He will receive the best treatment there. He will be respected, be loved, even they will remain in its beautiful-wide saloons. Religiousconversations will be made, he will talk, his morale will be strong. Because you know in such conditions morale is very important. You make the man sell his house, his car. You take all his money and indebt him. Whether he is treated or not is a different issue. It means you hit him from both sides; both by not showing love and making him collapse financially. Money should not be taken from sick people; we will consider this as a national manner. The contrary is not something that can be accepted.

Star, October 23- 2010


Prime Minister: "Money is not received from a sick person "

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan opened the Bandirma State Hospital and asked patients if they received good service. Erdogan said, “Do not make payment.”