Israel’s prominent daily English newspaper The Jerusalem Post publishes Harun Yahya’s articles.
The rightful struggle of Turkey: The Afrin operation
The Disinformation And Facts Regarding The Afrin Operation
The Suleyman Shah Operation, Turkey and the Kurds
False Flag Operations
Turkey should be famous for its respect for women and women rights
The Struggle Against Evolution
The messengers' struggle
Where is Turkey on the Journey of Human Rights?
1500 Special Operations Officers Barricaded Cizre with a Huge Operation
Power Struggles and Collaboration in the Balkans
Giving right answer to terror
Operation Decisive Storm Brings not Stability but Death to Yemen
Erdoğan: ''We want stability and co-operation in the Caucasus''
Enjoin right, forbid wrong
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies
Is the war on terror on the right path?
Europe: Right fight, wrong weapon
Promises for the future of women’s rights
An intellectual struggle based on education is required to bring an end to terror