Loon nick named Chauncey Hawkins, who is known as one of the ten best well known singers in America and converted to Islam seven months ago explained why he became a Muslim. The renowned rapper who left the Bad Boy group after his conversion to Islam expressed his thoughts to Al Jazira during his visit to Saudia Arabia to fulfill his Hajj duty:
" I am so happy that I embraced Islam. I was looking for peace as I was dealing with Music, and now I am so happy to find that peace... My search could only end when I found Islam, and I really feel so much peaceful right now. The old days are over now, and I am a good person now... Right now, I just focus on Islam, and learning the Islamic lifestyle. "
Upon the question whether he was going to continue his rap music after becoming Muslim, he answered, " I might continue later on, however, Allah knows best".
Loon changed his name to Amir Junaid Muhadith after embracing Islam. He recently went to Macca to fulfill his Hajj duty.
The All-Mighty Allah created human beings in a way that they can only find peace after they become a believer. Allah explains that truth in the Qur’an as:
So set your face firmly towards the religion, as a pure natural believer, Allah’s natural pattern on which He made mankind… (Surat ar-Rum, 30)
Those who have faith and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah. Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace.’ (Surat ar-Ra’d, 28)