Prime Minister Gabriel has asked me to cordially thank you for sending the three books of the Muslim author Harun Yahya.
Ronaldo Edgar Dunlop On Behalf Of Jose Gregori, ( Minister Of Justice )
Prime Minister: No division in this period
Mr. Devlet Bahçeli: Our Prime Minister should see the danger clearly
Prime Minister Erdogan: ''Violence towards women is meanness''
Prime Minister Davutoğlu: “We Settle the People in the Region in Hotels”
Prime Minister Erdoğan: I Hope That the Armenians Will Apologize As well
Jordan Prime Minister: You are a Perfect Example of Islam in the Modern World
L'aide De Camp ( Luxembourg Prime Minister’s Office )
Prime Minister Erdoğan: I Do Not Need to Hold High Office
Prime Minister Erdogan: Istanbul Is the Heart of the Islamic World
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan: The Golden Age of Islam will be revived.
. ( The Prime Minister )
The Prime Minister Mr. Erdogan said that they are working on a law involving violence against women
Prime Minister Erdoğan: There is no turning back
Prime minister Erdoğan: No discrimination against Christians or Jews or Atheists
Ali Babacan: We Cannot Let Anyone Overbear Our Prime Minister
Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan: ''Turkey is our polar star''
Could the meeting between Prime Minister Erdogan and Barzani be the solution to the problems in Iraq?
Prime Minister Erdoğan explained the Growth in the Turkish Economy
Cleansing One’s Lower Self in Ramadan
Prime Minister Davutoğlu: “We Will Give an Aid of One Thousand Liras to the Families in the Region”
Talk of Islamic Union from the prime minister
Prime Minister Erdoğan: Those Days when People with No Money Returned from Hospital Doors are Over
Prime Minister Erdogan: ''A secular state is equidistant from all religious groups.''
Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada to mark Ramadan