Important cultural services, such as making the internet free, and building gardens and parks instead of building skyscrapers and malls are some of the matters that Mr. Adnan Oktar frequently points out. The new election declaration of AK Party includes articles pertaining to these issues.
A9 TV – September 18th, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: Let our Prime Minister handle this Internet issue first. It is the most vital issue. Education is the most vital matter. What is the most important thing is internet that is a public university. With the internet, everybody will be studying at a university. Our Prime Minister should put an end to internet quotas. Like in Israel, let wireless internet be free. In fact, they can give away inexpensive computers to the public. Don’t we want our people to be well educated? Here it is, The Internet is a vast ocean. An opportunity to reach millions, billions, trillions bytes of information. The biggest university of the world, we will be letting our people connect to the biggest encyclopedia of the world. They presses a button and get to any information they likes. Let our Prime Minister make it possible. It is the most crucial thing. Then come other things.
A9 TV – June 19th, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: First of all Internet should be free in Turkey. As soon as you enter, connection is established. No waiting. The state should do it first, no matter what it would cost. Everybody should use internet and it shouldn’t be forbidden. Forbidden, what’s that supposed to mean? It is embarrassing. Wireless Internet is necessary everywhere in Turkey, in every city. Not cable internet. And internet should not be banned whatsoever. People should be able to access from everywhere they like.
Ekin TV - December 29th, 2008 ADNAN OKTAR: My request from all municipalities is this: THEY SHOULD MAKE THE CITY A PLACE ABOUNDING IN CULTIVATED FIELDS AND GARDENS, OPEN VAST FIELDS. I DON’T GET WHY THEY DON’T PLANT FRUIT TREES. I MEAN LET THEM PLANT CHERRY, APPLE TREE, AND PEAR TREE. Let children eat from them. GRAPEVINES SHOULD BE PLANTED ON THE SIDES OF HOUSES, LET GRAPES HANG DOWN, IT WOULD LOOK BEAUTIFUL. Tokat is not like that for example, it is possible to see fruit trees in Turhal. It is also possible in Çorum and Amasya, and also in some other cities. But in big cities I cannot see this. FRUIT TREES SHOULD BE ABUNDANT, LET’S MAKE BIG FIELDS. LET’S PROVIDE OUR CITIZENS IN POPULATED AREAS WITH BETTER OPPORTUNITIES. Let’s form vast and nice fields that they can make use of by extending these fields a bit nearer and a bit further. Because SUCH GREENSPACES, WOODLANDS ARE GOOD FOR HUMAN SOUL, BECAUSE WE NEED BEAUTY, WE NEED AESTHETICS, concrete tires us.
Timetürk – July 24th, 2008 Timetürk: In addition to this, let me ask you something, as Turkey, I main what kind of an image do you have in your mind for Turkey? Or what kind of a Turkey do you miss? Adnan Oktar: Very modern, people greeting each other on the street, joyful, FRUIT TREES EVERYWHERE, animals wandering around, a joyful Turkey.
Azerbaijan Novoye Vremya – October 6th, 2008 Adnan Oktar: Great things will happen. We will have abundant oil, we will have abundant natural gas, we will have abundant mines, we will build factories, and we will build facilities. We will have excellent hotels, excellent touristic facilities, we will build excellent laboratories where scientific researchers are carried out, we will make our streets, our roads beautiful, we will plant fruit plants everywhere, we will make everywhere like paradise, inshaAllah. |