Turkey is declared as the elder brother of the region
Turkey is declared as the elder brother of the region
What He Said?What Happened?

Kordon TV, 27 July- 02008

Adnan Oktar: In fact Turkey must be the elder brother in that region. It has to be the leader. Turkey is a country that is home to highly rational and honest people. It is a country with people of good conscience and with a perfect army. It has a very good conscience, is very reflective and very well trained. And they are loved in all countries, wherever they go. For example, they go to Iraq and are loved there. They go to Bosnia and are loved, and they go to Somalia and are loved and respected everywhere. They are loved and respected in Afghanistan.  The whole of the Middle East, the whole of the Islamic world, loves the Turkish army and the Turkish nation. That means they want them to act as the elder brother. In other words, if Turkey is to come forward, if a leader, a spiritual leader is needed to come forward, then Turkey must fulfil this role of elder brother, in Islamic countries and in the Turkish states.

Zaman, December 04-2010

The French company Coface which is one of the three leading companies in  administration and credit insurance declared Turkey the “elder brother of the region.” Accordingly Coface Turkey will also be responsible in operations in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Dubai, Cyprus, Lubnan, Saudi Arabia, Malta and Quwait.