Die Teilnehmer der Israelischen Delegation sind:

1) Herr Ayoob Kara - The Deputy Minister of the Development of the Negev and Galilee
2) Rabbiner Yeshayahu Hollander - From Sanhedrin the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah
3) Rabbiner Ben Abrahamson – Historian & consultant to the Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem, Sanhedrin relating Islam religion
4) Herr Efraim Lahav - Senior Strategic Advisor Deputy Minister, Office of The Prime Minister; Chairman of Academic Union of Israeli Civil Workers; General Director Academic Association in Israel
5) Sheich Ameen Kablan - Deputy of the Druze community
6) Herr Hurrian Dimitri - Orthodox Christian leader
7) Herr Ataf Krinawi - Bedouin leader
8) Herr Japhet Tsedaka - Head of the Samaritan community
