Frank Creyelman, Parliamentarian from Belgium
Frank Gerstenschläger, Executive Board Member of Deutsche Börse, Germany
Leader of the Islamic Renaissance Party in Tajikistan
Ranier Renes - USA
Shannon Longoria - USA
The Nazi party society
The miracles of the Qur'an: Creation from clay
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Musa (as) flees from Egypt
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Did Life on Earth Originate from Microorganisms That Came from Mars
Adnan Oktar's live interview with Jewish Guests from Derusha Publishing (USA) on (April 14, 2010)
Cornelia Lewis / Houston - USA
Texas State Senator - District 13 USA, Rodney Ellis
Reverend Amy Bezecny - St. Luke's United Methodist Church / USA
Dr. Abdelhamid Hamdi, from Tunis
Aaron David Miller, Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA
Deputy Head of Foreign Relation Division Prosperous Justice Party, Taufik Ramian Widjaja / Indonesia
Steve Wells - South Main Baptist Church Pastor / USA
Executive Editor, Host, Al Jazeera - USA, Riz Khan
The mole on Hazrat Mahdi's (as) cheek protrudes from it
A turning away from moral virtues
Return to Reality -15 Ismail Abdul Malik (Miles Shelton) - USA
Christine Stone, Carlv Agresti Georgetown University - USA
Cheetahs from the felidae family
Chat Orbe – USA