Frank Creyelman, Parliamentarian from Belgium
David Lasar, Parliamentarian from Austria
Jorge Sanpaio - Former President of the Portuguese Republic, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations
Dr. Erhard Busek, Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria; Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs
Answers from the Qur’an 1
A turning away from moral virtues
The health that comes from faith
Jan Figel, Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union, Former European Commissioner for Education Training Culture
Portents of the judgement day from the words of our Prophet (saas)
What is freemasonry and where did it come from?
Deniers' plots against the messengers are powerless right from the outset
Answers from the Qur’an 2
Prophet Yusuf's (pbuh) escape from the well
Frederick from Finland tells how he became a Muslim
The Prophet (saas) prayed in the awareness that knowledge comes from God
Adnan Oktar’s Guests from the Rohingya Federation of Arakan (11 December 2017)
The Prophet (saas) prayed in the knowledge that success comes from God
God creates perfect fruits and vegetables from muddy water, people do not consider this
A call to proper moral from the old and new testaments
Hypocrites are very ungrateful towards Muslims, from whom they receive nothing but kindness and good manners
How will people rise from their graves in the Day of Judgment?
With Our Guests from the Science World-4
The hand that will extend from the sky
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Rabbis from Jerusalem Rabbinical Court, Sanhedrin (November 21st, 2012)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's conversation with his guests from Jordan and Palestine (22 May 2018)