Pastor Patrick Kerry Nelson / Evangelical Lutheran Church - USA
John Hirling - Christ Presbyterian Church Minister / USA
Dr. Boyd Wagner - St. Lukes United Methodist Church Priest / USA
Priest Patrick Miller - St. Mark Episcopal Church / USA
Reverend Herschel Moore - Christian Church Disciples of Christ / USA
Steve Linde, Editor in chief of Jerusalem Post
The church of Satan
Brad Hornback, Clemson University South Carolina - USA
Muhammad Ashraf, Student - South Africa
Harun Yahya USA Conferences
Mr. David Spady, South California
Dr. James Bankston - Saint Pauls United Methodist Church Minister - USA
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Executive Editor, Host, Al Jazeera - USA, Riz Khan
Bishop Mar Paulus Benjamin Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East
Deazia Anglin / Connecticut - USA
Mohamed Diriye, USA, Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Richard Hellman - Founder of CIPAC / USA
The USA must lead the way to peace and brotherhood
Turkish Islamic Union will bring happiness and freedom to the People of the Book as well
Surp Hıripsimyants Church Foundation’s President Murat Süme talks about the importance of interreligious friendship at a sahur organization
James Gelvin, Professor of History at University of California - USA
David Gonzaga - USA
Vice Minister for Foreign Relations of South Africa, Marius Fransman
Catholic Priest Joey James - Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Parish - USA