Mr. Nury Turkel Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Mr. Nury Turkel - Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Return to Reality -15 Ismail Abdul Malik (Miles Shelton) - USA
Abdurrahman Tawfiq, National Union of Kuwaiti Students
Rice University Students - USA
First Official Brothel in the Ottoman Empire Was Opened During the Reign of Abdul Hamid II
Ranier Renes - USA
Brad Hornback, Clemson University South Carolina - USA
Dr. Richard Hellman - Founder of CIPAC / USA
Reverend Herschel Moore - Christian Church Disciples of Christ / USA
Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh, Northeastern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Professor Abdul Ghaffar Aziz, Director of Foreign Affairs Jamaat e Islami Pakistan
Harun Yahya USA Conferences
Dr. Joshua Walker, Transatlantic Fellow at German Marshall Fund/ USA
Catholic priest Thomas Reese, fellow at Woodstock Theological Center in Georgetown University / USA
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on WGSO Radio, USA (March 12, 2012)
Angel Rabasa, Senior Political Scientist at the Rand Corp., USA
Shannon Longoria - USA
John Feffer - Codirector of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies / USA
Priest Jimm Flagg - Bellaire United Methodist Church / USA
Rabbi Avi Balser, USA
Mrs. Patricia Secke, President and Founder of Africa Femmes Performantes, USA
Dr. James Bankston - Saint Pauls United Methodist Church Minister - USA