Journalist -USA, Stephen Kinzer
James Gelvin, Professor of History at University of California - USA
Priest Patrick Miller - St. Mark Episcopal Church / USA
Angel Rabasa, Senior Political Scientist in Rand Corp., USA
Chat Orbe – USA
Mr. Nury Turkel Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Sydney Rasekh - Architect - Urban Green Global, USA
Texas State Senator - District 13 USA, Rodney Ellis
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on WGSO Radio, USA (March 12, 2012)
Rice University Students - USA
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Brett McDonald & Lindsay Bowie / Texas - USA
Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Dr. James Bankston - Saint Pauls United Methodist Church Minister - USA
John Hirling - Christ Presbyterian Church Minister / USA
The Number of People Converting to Islam in the USA Increases Consistently
Christine Stone, Carlv Agresti Georgetown University - USA
Angel Rabasa, Senior Political Scientist at the Rand Corp., USA
Snjezana Buzov, Lecturer on Turkish and Islamic Studies at Ohio State University, USA
Paul Marshall, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom / USA
John Feffer - Codirector of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies / USA
David Schenker - Fellow and Director at The Washington Institute / USA
Rebecca Cataldi, Program Manager and James Patton, Executive Vice President at Int. Center for Religion & Diplomacy, USA
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on 1240 WJIM, Michigan USA (October 20, 2011)
Ocalan says that the autonomous structures should not be Western-oriented. The USA should know this