Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Edgar Cruz – Naisha Jackson / University of Houston - USA
Brad Hornback, Clemson University South Carolina - USA
The harmony in the universe
Dr. Fazale (Fuz) Rana, Biochemist, USA, 3rd International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, April 28th, 2018-istanbul
Deazia Anglin / Connecticut - USA
Rabbi Avi Balser, USA
Lecturer in Iran University
Secrets of the Universe
Christine Stone, Carlv Agresti Georgetown University - USA
The miracles of the Qur'an: The expanding universe
Priest Jimm Flagg - Bellaire United Methodist Church / USA
Dr. Sajjad Rizvi, Exeter University
Ms. Anna Manja Larcher, Psychologist, USA, 3rd International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe, April 28th, 2018-istanbul
The miraculous balance in the universe
Dr. Richard Hellman - Founder of CIPAC / USA
The Harmony in the Universe
Prof. Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware
The USA must lead the way to peace and brotherhood
The flawless order of the universe
Brett McDonald & Lindsay Bowie / Texas - USA
Priest Patrick Miller - St. Mark Episcopal Church / USA
John Kyl - United States Senator from Arizona / USA
Mr. Nury Turkel - Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Bonn University, Roman Siebertz